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Ovako ovaj battle net ima DVA WoW acc-a od cega su oba aktivna po 2 meseca, svi level 80 su na Hamros EU server!



Level 80 Belf paladin!

Dual specc : Holy / Retri

5880 Pve Holy gear

5300 Pve ret gear

Profsesije : Herb and Inscri maxxed .

First aid cooking,fishing maxed sve

Rare titlule : Kingslayer,Bloodsail Admiral,Crusader,The Diplomat,The ambassador, of each city, most world events,and many more.

Non combat petovi 50+ a lot of them being very rare.

Mauntova: 84 , Including Talbuks, Tundra Traveler ( 3 person mount ) , time lost proto drake, os 25 man drake, Cenarion hypogriph, nether drake, bear, albino drake, nether ray,Argent warhorse, SUNREAVER DRAGONHAWk, I jos puno!

Level 80 orc hunter

Dual specc : Pvp survival, Pve MM

5920 PVe gear

5600-ish PvP gear

Profs JC/mining maxed

1st aid maxxed,fishing cooking just a bit..

Titule! : Kingslayer,Ashen Veridict, Patron, of the most cities, Twilight Vanquisher, Champ. Of frozen wastes etc..

Non combat petovi, around 30 some of them pretty rare

Mountovi: 36 Most rare are Red Proto drake, Argent hypogriph, Black war mamooth, black war bear, dalaran bear…! PM

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