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WTS rogue undead


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WTS Rogue Undead male


Pve: 3x t10,5 , 1x t10 , icc weapons i za combat i mutilate 5900gs

Pvp: rele set, wrath offset, wrathful daggeri, 5900gs

Mountovi: od retkih - Greed proto drake, White polar bear, Sunreaver Dragonhawk, Venumhire Ravasaur

dosta titula..

Profesije: Engi / JC : 450/450

Gold atm : 42 000+

i u enchanting mattsima preko 7k (mogu da se kupe game cards za narednih godinu dana)

Na acc-u ima jos i: 80 warlock human female (5330gs pvp,Sergeant), 80priest human male (fresh, Sergeant major), 68 dk..

uplacen jos nekih mesec dana.

cena po dogovoru, vrlo povoljno jer je hitno

kontakt: 064 349 11 39

email: mozaks@gmail.com

msn: blodozz@hotmail.com

Prvi sam vlasnik i imam sav info.

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