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Level 80 Dwarf male Hunter-Bronze Dragonflight server

-4873 gs.2600 wow heroes gs

-profesije:jewelcrafting(10 epic recepata) i mining 450

-2390 achi;titule:of the nightfall,the patient i champion of frozen wastes

-backpack:1900g,sitni gemovi,eternali i 2 ap plava gema

-currency:31 emblem of frost,53 emblem of triumph,53 champion seal,2 jc tokena,16av,37ab,6500 honora,308 stone keeper shard,40wsg i 10 wintergrasp

-180% flying mount;100%-black war mammoth i quel'dorei steed

-banka:20 epic 219 i 226 item lvl stvari,280% drake mount,trophy of crusade,4 abyss crystala,11 infinite dustova i 4 dream shardova

-acc je uplacen do 14.06.2010.,ja sam prvi i jedini vlasnik i imam sve potrebne informacije

-iz Kraljeva sam,uplata se vrsi na moj racun

-cena 60e skoro za dzabe nema jeftinije

-http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Bronze+Dragonflight&cn=Ravagee kontakt telefon:065-523-04-08 ili e-mail:nikolamilenovic@rocketmail.com

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