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WTS 3x80 (rogue,warrior,shaman)


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Na account tu se nalaze 3 lv 80 warrior,rogue i shaman i dosta altova sa heirloom itemima (DK 72,hunter 40,lock 47,pala 60..)

Ja sam prvi i jedini vlasnik accounta,imam vanila i tbc cd-keyeve osim Wotlk-a posto sam ga uplatio preko kreditne kartice(posto je kostao samo 20 evra) i sve ifnormacije o account sa SA i SQ.

Rogue je UD male na serveru Sylvanas on mi je main,mout skill mu je 300 (ima 270% flaying),profesije su JC i Mining obe su na 450,Cooking 400,!st aid 450,Fishing 280,imam 45 mountva (nisam kupovao moutove preko reputacije jos kao sto je The Mag'har ili Netherwing i preko honor-a),lik ima 24 exaltet reputacio i oko 9,3k golda na njemu.

Rogue ima i PVP i PVE gear.U PvP gearu ima 6k gs,a u PvE ima 5770 svi itemi su enhantovani i socketovani.Za pvp je combat (arp soketovan) a za pvp je subtlety (arp/ap soketovan i specovan sam za dagger spec).Takodje sam uradio 5/12 HM u ICC 10 man,nazalost nisam uradio LK ni na jednom modu posto nisam stigao da raidujm toliko.

PVP gear:

Head:Geistlord's Punishment Sack (lv 264)

Neck:Wodin's Lucky Necklace (BOE lv 264) or Wrath full Neck

Shoulders:Relentlees shoudlers (251)

Back:Recoverd Scarlet Onslaught Cape (lv 264)

Chest:Recoverd Scarlet Onslaught Cape (lv 264)

Wrist:Wrathful wrist (lv 264)

Hands:Relentlees hands (251)

Waist:Vengeful Noose (lv 264)

Legs:Gengrenous Leggings (lv 264)

Feet:Wratful feet (lv 264)

Ring:Band of the Bone Colossus (lv 264) or Relentlees ring (251)

Ring:ICC reputation ring-Exalted (lv 277) or Relentlees ring (251)

Trinket:Medalion of the Horde (lv 264)

Trinket:Battel master trinket (lv 245)

Wepon 1: Heartpierce (lv 264)

Wepon 2:Lungbreaker (lv 264)

Throw:Sharpnel Star (lv 264)

PVE gear:

Head:Geistlord's Punishment Sack (lv 264)

Neck:Wodin's Lucky Necklace (BOE lv 264)

Shoulders:T10 (251)

Back:Recoverd Scarlet Onslaught Cape (lv 264)

Chest:T10.5 (lv 264)

Wrist:Chewed Leather Wristguards (lv 232)

Hands:Scourge Stranglers (lv 264)

Waist:Vengeful Noose (lv 264)

Legs:Gengrenous Leggings (lv 264) or T10 (lv 251)

Feet:Asidmaws Treads (232)

Ring:Band of the Bone Colossus (lv 264)

Ring:ICC reputation ring-Exalted (lv 277)

Trinket:Herkuml War Token (lv 264)

Trinket:Needle-Encrusted Scorpion (lv 232)

Wepon 1:Frost Gian;s cleaver (lv 251)

Wepon 2:Bone Warden's Splitter (lv 251)

Throw:Shrapnel star (lv 264)

Warrior je NE male na Ahn'qiraju na njemu sam vise radio PVP ne PVE ali u oba speca imate 5,500 gs takodje imate i stari tank gear neznam koliko ima GS ali imate oko 39k self buffed.Za pvp je specovan arms a za pve fury.Nema epic flaying i na njemu ima oko 1,5k golda.

PVP gear:

Head:Relentlees head ( 251)

Neck:Wrathful neck (264)

Shoulders:Furios shoulders (232) or Witergraps shoudlers (251)

Back:Might of the Ocean Serpent

Chest:T9 chest (232)

Wrist:Wrathful wrist (264)

Hands:Relentlees hands (251)

Waist:Wrathful waist (264)

Legs:Furios legs (232)

Feet:Bone Drake's Enameled Boots

Ring:ICC reputation ring-Friendly (251)

Ring:Wrathful ring (264)

Trinket:Wintergraps trinket-AP 190 (232) or Battel master (245)

Trinket:Whispering Fang skull (232)

Wepon:Ramalandni's Blade of Culling (251)

Bow:Njordan Bone bow (251)

Shaman je Tauren na Ahn'qiraju dingovao sam sa njim pre nekoliko nedelja tako da nije nesto izgirovan...Nema epic flaying nema neke profesije(herb je na 270 a Alhemy 150) i ima oko 4,500 gs u oba speca.Za PVP i PVE koristim ele.

Head:T9 head (232)

Neck:Briliant Hailstone Amulet (200)

Shoulders:Shoulders of the Groundbreaker (245)

Back:Wrathful back (264)

Chest:T9 chest (232)

Wrist:Goustly Wristraps

Hands:T9 heads (232)

Waist:Essence of Anger

Legs:T9 legs (232)

Feet:Relentlees feet (245)

Ring:Blue ring (187)

Ring:Blue ring (200)

Trinket:Blue trinket (200)

Trinket:Abyssal Rune (200)

Wepon:Chiled Heart of the Glacier (219)

Shield:Zom's Crackling Bulwark (200)

Totem:Totem of Electrifying wind

Ako ste zainteresovani posali te mi mail na bekovic94@hotmail.com ili mi pustite poruku na 0638794962.

Takodje da nezaboravim svi likovi se mogu trasferovati!

Cena po dogovoru!

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