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WTS Resto Shaman + DK


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Poz, prodajem orc resto shamana sa human Dk altom.

-Sto se shamana tice:

-Gear: icc 10/25 uglavnom, ~5.8k+ gs, od pvp geara ima za resto/elemental (6 relentless, 4 deadly i 3 furious za resto, slicno i za elemental, 1108/918 resi)

-Gold: oko 4k

-Profesije: 450 Alchemy (Transmute Master), 450 Enchanting (dosta recepata), 450 First Aid i 350+ Fishing

-Mountovi: Argent Hippogryph, Cenarion Hippogryph, Red Drake, Amber Drake, Black War Bear, Ice Mammoth, Black War Mammoth, Amani War Bear... Fali mu jos 2 achievementa za Red Proto Drake, 5 za Ironbound i moze da Izvuce Green Proto Drake-a posto je Revered sa Oracles.

-Titule: Champion of The Frozen Wastes, the Patient, of Ashen Verdict, of the Nightfall.

-ima oko 4.8k achievement poena, preko 25 exalted reputacija (skoro sve Northrend/TBC reputacije exalted), dosta markica za pvp/ pve emblema.

Sto se DK-a tice, uglavnom je sluzio kao alt, ima neki valorous/pvp mixed gear, 450 herbalism/450 inscription, epic flying mount.

Sve vrste payed usluga su otvorene (transferi, race change, etc.), vreme je isteklo na accu skoro, i imam sve podatke za account.

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Cena oko 100 evra

Kontakt na 062/84-23-995

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