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WTT/S Druid H


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Ukratko jer zurim

Pve 5700gs Resto 3/5 t10 100 Embler of Frost pa moze jos 1 deo

Pvp Resto 5700gs/600 Zavisno od itema 4/5 Rele t1 Rele 1250 Resi

Pve Feral 53% Crit 9k Ap 5k GS Oko 5-6k Na saurfangu

Ostalo tu je armory

Na accu 8k Golda

Najvise bih voleo trade za gearovanog tanka u hordi,takodje skoro bilo koji dps osim mage/warr/dk i necu healere :D

Kontakt 0628438354 PM ili msn dz_ere@hotmail.com

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