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Prodajem account na kojem su:

Hunter lvl 80 PvE 5710gs, PvP 5500+ (4/5 t10)

Shaman lvl 80PvE 5700gs resto, PvP 5500gs Elemental (2/5 t10)

Paladin lvl 80 PvE 5700+ gs retri, PvP 5550+ gs retri (2/5 t10)

Warlock lvl 80 PvE 5000gs

Druid lvl 80 PvE 5200+gs resto, 5000+ moonkin, PvP 5000+ resto

Warrior lvl 80 PvE 5300gs prot, 4600 arms (1/5 t10)

DK lvl 80 PvE 4700gs dps

Svi charovi su alliance, vecina ima epic flying, shaman ima achievement 8/12 icc25, 10/12 icc10. Na svakom moze biti po bar 1k gold. Na accountu su jos: lvl 74 orc shaman, lvl 76 human priest, lvl 75 human mage, lvl 73 UD rogue.

Account je cist, aktivan i imam sve podatke.

SAMO OZBILJNE PONUDE! lkjnkvc@gmail.com

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