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WoW WOLTK acc prodajem


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Prodajem WOLTK acc, imam na njemu warriora tanka full 264 lvl 4/5 t 10.5, 264 /232 pvp set, BS. mining full skill, sa svim patt, 280 % mount, kinslayer titulom i imba dps gear setom , takodje druid 80 lvl koristim ga za pvp wraith / res set i full wraith offset sa wraith oruzijima.Alch , Ins profesije sa full skilom, mount 280 % sa tankiging i healing gearom za pve 245/251, DK 80 lvl tanking spec 40 k HP unbuffed koristim ga iz zabave.280% mount,JC i Ech full skill, shaman 70 lvl 4/8 T6 280 %mount

takodje dosta golda na acc

za vise informacija telefon 064/3448688

Edited by Joxi
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