Lestra Posted April 6, 2010 Report Share Posted April 6, 2010 E ovako prodajem ud locka na sylvanasu. nalog je uplacen do 15.maja Nick je Terorlord nema nikakav cd na transfer, promenu imena, rase etc. s obzirom da trenutno armoury ne radi ovo je opis lika: Lik ima 4/5 t10 (2x264 i 2x 251), neck,mh,oh, ring, trinket, legs i waist item lvl 264, feet, back i wrist item lvl 258, wand lvl 232 (mozda uzmem 251 za koji dan) jedan ring lvl 277 (exalted icc) i trinket lvl 213 (ilustration of dragon soul koji je i dalje jaci od dosta mogucih trinketa, mozda ga zamenim za 251 za koji dan ako padne u icc10). Sve ukupno kad se slozi lik ima 3686 spelpowera selfbufed ( 200 od illustration of dragon soul i nekih 100 sa glyph of life tap su uracunati), 1133 haste ratinga sa spellstone, 24,52% crita i ofc hit capovan. Na single target fajtovima full bufovan ja sam uspevao da izvucem 12k dpsa, nadam se da cete i vi isto ili mozda cak i bolje. PvP gear mi nije nesto specijalan ali je dobar. wraitful feet i wrist, reletnes ring, neck i waist, reletnes hands i legs, furious chest i head, titan forged back, sholderi i insignija (sa spelpowerom) i battlemaster's insignia (sa 150 spelpowera) kao drugi ring koristim iz pve (icc rep) kao i oruzja koja su isto iz pve-a. Sve ukupno lik ima 3468 spelpowera, 16,56 crita, 7.10% hita, 100 spell penetration, 570 haste, 925 resiliensa i 26228 hp-a. mozda uzmem jos jedan, 2 pvp itema ovih dana Achivementi: 9345, cooking iz general taba mi fali needy, got my mind on money (25k) i mountin o' mounts (imam 93 mounta, amani war bear, grand black war mamoth, svi mountovi iz AQ40, svi iz meta pve achivementa (uld i naxx 10/25) svi mountovi od vendora i reputacija, kao i chopper i crna mecka od ubijanja svih boseva u gradovima alijanse) iz quest taba mi fali samo loremaster of kalimdor (636/685), sve iz exploration osim rare mobova (koknuo sam samo jednog u northendu) pvp 111/166, dungeons and raids 349/454, profesions: zatvoren cooking i first aid tab, fishing 28/33. od reputacija mi fali samo hydraxian waterlords (1265/12k) i brood of narozamu (28222/36k hated). World events, sve je odradjeno osim: brewmaster - brew of the year (clan je kluba tako da ce se to vremenom odraditi dok pristizu pica), dosturbing the peace i have keg,will travel. takodje nije odradjen ni dead men's party. Feats of strength: Champion of the Naaru, Hand of A'dal, Amani war bear, Clockwork rocket bot, Onyxia's lair (lvl 60), Tabard of argent dawn, WoW's 4th aniversery, Timear's fortress, Crashin trashin racer, Proof of demise, Why, becouse it's red, Dreadsteed of Xoroth, WoW's 5th aniversery, It's over nine thousand i Grand Black War Mamoth. Titule: Ambasador, Champion of the frozen Wastes, Champion of the Naaru, Chef, Crusader, Elder, Flame Keeper, Guardian of Cenarius, Hand of A'dal, Jenkins, Merrymaker, Patron, Starcaller, Twilight Vanquisher, of Ogrimmar, Of Sen'jin, of Silvermoon, of Thunder Bluff, of the Ashen Verdict, of the Nightfall, of the Undercity, the Argent Champion, the Astral Walker, the Diplomat, the Explorer, the Hallowed, the Immortal, the Love Fool, the Noble, the Patient, the Pilgrim, the Seeker, the Undying, the Exalted. kontakt: lestra88@hotmail.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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