raQa Posted February 1, 2010 Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 Pozdrav svima, prodam akaunt star oko 3 godine. Vlasnik sam postao kupio sam ga od drugara i on je battle.net mergovan.. Imam sve potrebne "sequrity questions" da bi mogli potpunu da se prebace na ime nekog drugog vlasnika bezbedno. Licencirani status vazi do : Februar 13, 2010. Akaunt sadrzi 3 lika koji su na maximalnom levelu i to : Orc Hunter , Blood Elf Warlock, Undead Death Knight.. Nesto vise o njima : Orc Hunter: Dual-spec, epic flying mount skill with cold weather flying. Professions:JC (450/450), Leatherworking (442/450), Cooking (450/450), Fishing (450/450) Tittles:Ambassador, Crusader, Rival, Twinlight Vanquisher, of Orgrimmar and all horde cities..etc Mounts:Mechano-Hog, Argent hyypograph, Sea Turtle, Black war bear, White polar bear. Gear: BM PVP: Full Rellentless 5/5 with relentless offpieces, and t2 bow. Gear: BM PVE PVE gear is Ulduar fully, cause then after i stoped play pve and fully pvp played. Bank and inventory: This char has lot stuff and gear, since he was my main.. Here pic: Armory Link:http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dentarg&n=Sashavi 80 Undead Death knight Dual-spec and normal flying mount skill with cold weather flying. Proffesions:Herbalism (450/450), Inscription (450/450) Tittles:Challenger Gear PVP:This DK is full furious with furious sword, relentless legs and relentless ofpieces.. Gear PVE He`s naxx pve Geared with some new VoA drops and ulduar.. Armory Link:http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dentarg&n=Ramiz 80 Blood Elf Warlock Dual-spec and normal flying mount skill with cold weather flying. Proffesions Engneering (420/450), Mining(199/450), Gear PVP:This is my last char which i dinged month ago and he have next pvp gear, rele hands, furios offset, etc. Armory Link:http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dentarg&n=Raqa Opis je na engleskom jer me je mrzelo kucati sve ponovo jer sam upravo ga postavio na wowtrade.dk. Nacin Placanja: Uplate samo preko ziro-racuna u banci, ozbiljan i zainteresovan kupac se moze javiti i da se dogovorimo oko svega. Cena: 250 eura. Kontakt: Mozete me kontaktirati na vise nacina, mob: 065/540-1-540, raqa_np@hotmail.com ili na Fejsbuku Ramiz Vip Trtovac. Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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