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Elem neće kući da mi otvori rur niti bilo koji podsajt (forum included) na oba kompa... menjao sam DNS-ove, drndao ruter, ništa. Telekom ADSL je u pitanju. Na nekim free proksijima hoće da otvori, al otvara pet minuta jednu stranicu, što mi ne radi posao.

Dragane, reguliši!

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1) Please download WinMTR application from http://winmtr.sourceforge.net/winmtr_bin.zip

2) In the host field, enter IP address of your website

3) Click Start

4) Let it run about 15 minutes, then click Copy Text to clipboard

5) Reply to this email with the text copied from step 4

6) Please include your IP so we may trace the route back to you. http://www.whatismyip.com

opali mi jedan mtr check i paste ovde results

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