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WTS Druid 80 Warr 80 Mage 80 Dk 72 Hunter 41


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Evo ovako.

Druid[80]: - - -sto se tice pvp gear-a ima full relentless osim shoulderi koji su Furious[resto gear] weapon je relentless tier1,sto se tice pve full icc 25 gear sa item lvlima 264[boomkin] alchemy 450 herbalisam 450 ima 280% mount i ima Black Mamuta za troje.Link: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dentarg&n=Dhealer

Warrior[80]--- sto se tice pvp-a full deadly sa a pve full valorous...ima oko 34k hp sa commanding shoutom...nisam ga igrao dosta dugo...mining 450 kining 450 ima 280% mount link:

Mage[80]---tek izlevelovan nema profesije mount 150% flying http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dentarg&n=Maggee

Hunter[41]---ima gun i shouldere za brzi lvl up. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dentarg&n=Huntmark

Death Knight--- nema profesije ima flying 150%. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dunemaul&n=Luda

Na accountu ima oko 8k golda.

Game Time istice 17.04.2010.

Svi characteri se nalaze na DENTARG realmu.Svi characteri su u imba PvE Balkanskom gildu[Hrvati/Srbi] koji raiduju sve... ICC 25 sve ocisceno do sada... A ToGC 4/5. osim death knight-a koji se nalazi na Dunemaul.

Prvi sam vlasnik accounta, nisam nikad banovan/suspendovan niti nikad hackovan ili nesto slicno.

Cena accounta po dogovoru.

Kontakt telefon: 0654788000 Marko.

Beograd Vracar.

Edited by Dhealer
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