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WTS Paladin[A] 80 , Rogue[A] 80


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Human Male Paladin 80


Dodatne informacije vezane za lika : full pve gear , uglavnom 226 item lvl ( t9 shoulderi ) - takodje ima i retri pvp gear oko 600 resilience , ima takodje darkmoon card : death., ima holy pvp i pve gear iz naxx/ulduar 10 , ima axe iz novogHCa enchantovana sa Berseker i jos dosta stvari u banci.

1. Professions JC / Mining 450 ( par epix gemova )

2. Arena Points 600

3. Achievement 2800

b. Titule Jenkins,the undying

4. PvP Marks

Honor 20k

a. Wintergrasp 15

b. Warsong Gulch 20

c. Alterac Valley 10

d. Arathi Basin 14

e. Strand of the Ancients 9

5. Badges

a. Valor 10

b. Heroism 10

c. conquest 11

d. triumph 9 - used 30

6. Gold 500


Gnome Male rogue 80


Dodatne informacije vezane za lika : Rogue ima full epic pvp i pve gear

1. Professions herbalism skining 450 / herb oko 200

2. Arena Points 0

3. Achievement 2200

b. Titule Jenkins

4. PvP Marks

Honor 10k

a. Wintergrasp 10

b. Warsong Gulch 40

c. Alterac Valley 3

d. Arathi Basin 38

e. Strand of the Ancients 5

5. Badges

a. Valor 10

b. Heroism 5

6. Gold 240

Oba lika imaju DUAL SPECIALIZATION , Paladin ima epic fly i Green Drake , a rogue ima obican flying , i oba imaju izucen cold weather flying.

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?

da,uz Acc dobijate CD key od vanilla+tbc+wotlk , kopiju pasosa sve podatke vezane za account !


kontakt PM / bole-kezman@hotmail.com / +382 69 513 170

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