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WTS warr+shaman+dk


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1. orc warrior

important titles that it has are : arena master, battlemaster, chef, conqueror, conqueror of naxxramas, prebc pvp title liutenant general and Of the horde.

pvp gear - 5/5 furious set with 2350 weapon + full furious offset and thrown weapon all items are best encahnted and gemmed with epic gems

in invertory are furious shield and both main and offhand 1h weapons + another furious weapon (2h axe)

+ in bank is the 5/5 deadly set and weapon

pve dps gear is full tier7.5 in bank + tier 8 legs

pve tanking gear is full tier7.5 in bank- shields -> wall of teror and barricade of eternity

bank invertory:

almost every tabard in the game, full zul'gurub set of items, whole fire festival set of items,every pvp trinket from the game,vengefull s3 2h mace and sword.

63 pets and 78 mounts

32 exalted reputations

profetions : enginering 405, 450 jewelcrafting, cooking 450, fishing 450 first aid 450 and riding all maxed out.

currencies:champions seal 18, cooking awards 44 and jewelcrafting tokens 14

pvp currencies: 50 from all marks and 100 IOC marks = instant 60 000 honor when handed in

achivments points 7645 with alot of things done

75 000 honor also on it

and finaly days played 265 it shows how many effort is spent on it

2. blood elf death knight

4/5 furious pvp set with full furious offset + furious weapon + all sigils in game also have bandit's insignia

pve dps gear full tier7 + 2 parts of t8.5

in bank 5/5 hatefull set and 1 part of t8.5 tanking gloves

Inscription 405

pvp currencies: 75 000 honor

marks 30 from all = 40k insatnt honor after handing in + 10k honor also ready from arena point tokens

3. troll shaman

pve healing gear mixture of ulduar 25/t7.5 drops

just fine for healing ulduar 25 stats are 2460 healing , 27 crit chance, 450 haste rating and 495 mana regen

pvp healing gear 3 deadly with 1 furious and 1 hatefull

pve enha gear alot of items from heroics ulduar 10 level items and few elemental t7.5 parts

leatherworking 405

70 500 honor and alot of marks

account is attached to battlenet account so you can also buy new account to transfer chararacters to it so i can continue having the whole battlenet account

prices for warrior is 200e, dk 100e and shaman 100e

and for whole account its 50e discount meaning 350e

cena nije fiksa, kontakt na pm

sve pise iznad sta ko ima

mogu da dodam samo da je account hakovan i banovan vec bio

tako da preporucujem u slucaju kupovine uzimanej novog accounta da se prebace likovi zbog sigurnosti

uplacen jos 20-30 dana

(ne menjam nizasta, samo pare odma sve nista na rate)

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