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Undead Warlock 80 lvl


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Armory Link

>Dual Spec

>Engineering 433 / Mining 450

>60% Flying mount + Cold weather flying (Imam i Bronze Drake-a iz CoT Culling of Stratholme HC instance ali nemam epic flying).

>PvP gear - hateful / deadly nepotpun (~700 resiliance)

>PvE gear - 2x T7, 1x T8.5, HC Epic i Rare quality, MH weapon - Ulduar 10, i pojedini epici iz Naxxramas 10. (~3.5k DPS)

Karakter ima nesto malo gold-a (ne preko 200)

Ima jos gomile 10-40 lvl i DK 63 lvl koji idu kao gratis

Cena: 150 e

Uz account se naravno dobijaju diskovi, serijali i manual-i.

Kontatk: megadejan@gmail.com

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