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Wts Rogue 80 lvl


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Armory link karakter;http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Chromaggus&n=Assasinn

Mounts;Epic fly ,raptor iz Zg-a

Gear;t8/t8.5 sa furios oruzijem i svom pvp opremom

1. Professions ;Mining

2. Arena Points 1400

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp; 9x

b. Warsong Gulch;100x

c. Alterac Valley;10x

d. Arathi Basin;15x

e. Strand of the Ancients;0x

5. Badges;nemam badges kupio sam epic gemove

a. Valor;0x

b. Heroism ;0x

6. Gold 400

Da li ste prvi vlasnik? Ne ali imama sve podatke od acc

(navesti da li imate sve podatke koji su vezani za Acc, SQ/A, Keys, Mail…)

cena: oko 300 evra

Za vise Informacija pozovite 063 8179937 ili posaljite mail na Marihuana-king@hotmail.com

Edited by Assasinn
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