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Prodajem ceo acc sa Warr LVL 80 Priestom LVL 80 Shamanom LVL 73 I ostalim Likovima Ispod Lvl 70.

Svi Likovi su na Serveru Daggerspine.

Warr lvl 80 Kobby

Profesije JC(450)/Mining(450)

Achivment points 4050

Dual Specc Tanking /PVP

Tanking Gear 3 Conquest dela I Valorus + Uduar gear

PVP Gear 700 ress +1800 arena poena

Darkmon fair trinket +90 str

Gold 4 k

http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-statisti...=Ultimate+Chaos link armory.

Badges of Justice acquired


Emblems of Heroism acquired


Emblems of Valor acquired


Emblems of Conquest acquired

sve ostalo shto vas zanima u vezi frakcija i ostalih stvari nalazi se na wow armory linku da ne bih sivishe opsivao i hvalio sebe i chara

Priest je dual spec kao i shaman ali ne bi vezivao linkove .

Koga zanima moze da me kontaktira na mob 063/72-72-589 ili neka ostavi post ili msn

Warr je u Guldu Ultimate Chaos.

Cena nije fiksna ali je potrebno da me kontaktirate.

vreme za korishcenje acc istice 17 Octobra 2009.

Poz svima

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