Magy Posted August 10, 2009 Report Share Posted August 10, 2009 (edited) Armory link necu postaviti, ali kupac se lako moze uveriti u istinu dole navedenog pre same prodaje Gear: Main spec mi je holy: Head: Conqueror's Aegis Headpiece ( ) + 30sp and 20 crit strike rating Neck: Cosmic Lights ( Shoulder: Valorous Redemption Spaulders ( ) +24sp and 15crit strike rating Back:Shroud of Luminosity ( ) + 23 haste rating Chest:Conqueror's Aegis Tunic ( ) + 10 all stats Bracers:Bracers of Liberation ( ) +30sp Gloves: Valorous Redemption Gloves ( ) +28sp Belt:Waistguard of Divine Grace ( ) + 16int Legs:Conqueror's Aegis Greaves ( )+ 50sp and 30sta Feet:Greaves of the Rockmender ( )+ 12crit Ring1:Seized Beauty ( )+23sp Ring2:Pyrelight Circle ( ) +23sp Trinket1:Forethought Talisman ( ) Weapon: The Turning Tide ( ) +63sp Shield:Voice of Reason ( )+25int Libram:Libram of the Resolute ( ) To je moja holy oprema: 2261sp, 36.5% crit,21800mana, 495haste, 192mp5 withoutbuffs Imam dualspec. Imam full pve retri opremu ( naxx25, ud10), imam full holy pvp opremu ( izmedju 700-800 ress) Profesije: Enchanting 460/460 ( guild ench tako da su svi recepti isli meni) Herbalism 450/450 Cooking 450/450 (139 recipes atm) First aid 450/450 Fishing 450/450 Reputacije: Trenutno 32 exalted, uskoro jos neke Mounts: Trenutno imam 80 mounta , neki od lepsih su: Amani war bear, Albino drake,Cenarion war hippogryph, Frostwolf howler, Red proto-drake, Swift brewfest ram, Grand black war mammoth (za 3 osobe)... i mnogi drugi Pets: Trenutno imam 61 peta. Nabrojacu samo neke:Chuck,Kirin tor familiar,Pengu, Proto drake whelp,Stinker.... Tabardi: Za sada 22 tabarda Titule: 18 titula, neke od njih-Undying, Bloodsail Admiral, Ambasador, Challenger..... Achiv poeni: 6670 trenutno Sto se tice golda uvek imam oko 12.000 ,bilo bi i vise ali nesto je i troseno na mounts i pets;) Inace Acc je moj od samog pocetka, na pali imam malo preko 111 dana played. Hmm honor poena imam 70600, ima tu i nesto marks, Takodje imam i emblema, i 75 champion seals atm;) Imam i jos nekoliko altova lock 45, hunt 58, dk 65, rogue11, svi imaju te BoA iteme. Prodaja bi se izvrsila tako sto bi se nasli negde. Ja bih vam pokazao sve to sto sam napisao, dao acc i discove, vi meni novac. Ako ste zainteresovani i imate neku ponudu pozovite 064/6729889 Edited August 10, 2009 by Magy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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