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WTS [A] Druid 80


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Ovako armory link necu postovati zbog sigurnosnih razloga.

Informacije oko geara... :

Ovako main spec mi je balance:

Head: Conqueror's Nightsong Cover (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46191) + 30 Spellpower and 20 crit enchant.

Neck: Wyrmrest Necklace of Power (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44661) + 19 Spellpower gem.

Shoulder: Conqueror's Nightsong Mantle (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46196) + 70 Spellpower and 15 crit enchant(Inscription) + 19 Spellpower gem.

Back: Drape of the Spellweaver (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46341) + 23 Haste enchant.

Chest: Conqueror's Nightsong Vestments (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46194) + 10 On All Stats enchant + 2x 19 Spellpower gems.

Bracers: Bindings of the Depths (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46009) + 30 Spellpower enchant.

Staff: Icecore Staff (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45886) + 81 Spellpower enchant + 23 Spellpower and 12 Spellpower 10 Spirit gems.

Idol: Idol of the Shooting Star (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40321)

Gloves: Valorous Dreamwalker Gloves (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40466) +28 Spellpower + 19 Spellpower gem.

Belt: Sash of Ancient Power (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45557) + 2x 23 Spellpower and 12 Spellpower 10 Spirit gems.

Legs: Conqueror's Nightsong Trousers (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46192) + 50 Spellpower 20 Spirit enchant + 2x 19 Spellpower gems.

Feet: Footsteps of Malygos (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40519) + Icewalker enchant.

Ring 1: Band of Channeled Magic (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40719)

Ring 2: Shimmering Seal (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45297) + 19 Spellpower gem.

Trinket 1: Sundial of the Exiled (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40682)

Trinket 2: Embrace of the Spider (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39229)

Sve u svemu 2361 spellpowera, 17.92% crita. 249 hita (9.49%) i 412 hasta UNBUFFOVAN van MOONKIN forme.

U moonkin formi UNBUFFOVAN 2550 spellpowera 23.52% crita sve ostalo isto.

Imam i dual spec sto je PVP resto.

Imam isto gomilu pre-Ulduar patch epica u banci za balance(full t7.5 itd.).Isto imam gomilu feral i resto epica u banci, a i gomilu pre-WOTLK epica.

PvP gear oko 720 resilience za resto kao i za balance.

Reputacije su uglavnom revared/exalted.

Imam 310% Swift fly form.(Od 3.2 patcha ako imas 310% mount u inventoriju bla bla).

1. Professions (navesti egzoticne craftove ukoliko ih ima):

Alchemy 450 / Inscription 401

Alchemy ima sve WOTLK recepte a inscription sam samo levelova zbog shoulder enchanta tako da nista specialjno.

Na charru trenutno imam i 50 flask of frostwyrma,gomilu haste i wild magic potova i gomilu matova za elixire isto i oko 70 buff hrane.

2. Arena Points: 1286

3. Achievement Points: 4075 (Uglavnom Dungeons and Raid achivmenti)

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente (Undying, Immortal, Of the ... Twilight Vanquisher, etc...) Glory of the Hero,Glory of Ulduar Raider, ne znam jos neke stvari mozda.

b. Titule: Challenger,Private,Hand of A'dal,Champion of Frozen Wastes,Jenkis,Twilight Vanquisher,Of the Nightfall,the Undying.

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp: 19

b. Warsong Gulch: 16

c. Alterac Valley: 61

d. Arathi Basin: 1

e. Strand of the Ancients: 0

f. Eye of Storm: 6

g.Isle of Conquest: 4

5. Badges

a. Valor: 42

b. Heroism: 14

c.Conquest: 4

6. Gold: Oko 2500g

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?:Prvi sam vlasnik ,imam sve keys,SQ answer,mail...sve.

(navesti da li imate sve podatke koji su vezani za Acc, SQ/A, Keys, Mail…)

SAMO BEOGRAD sto znaci da se nalazimo negde u centru grada u nekoj igraonici bilo gde, na licu mesta ja vama cdeove i sve informacije,menjam mail itd. a vi mene pare.

Za sve ostalo sto vas zanima slobodno me PM.Cenu nisam odredio ali me isto PM ako imate neku ozbiljniju ponudu.

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