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WTS [A] rogue 80


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Armory link za karatkera/e je/su:

main - http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xm...&n=Rakijica

alt - http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xm...ane&n=Pivce

alt - http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xm...mp;n=Razorfange

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions: LW 450 ( ima death-warmed belt, belt of arctic life i trollwoven girlde i shoulders ); skinning 450

2. Arena Points: 0

3. Achievement Points: 4075

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente

b. Titule: Knight-leutenant, Elder, Flame Warden, the Explorer, of Gnomeregan, Champion of Frozen Wastes, the Love Fool, of Ironforge, of Stormwind, of Darnassus.

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp 14

b. Warsong Gulch 1

c. Alterac Valley 28

d. Arathi Basin 17

e. Strand of the Ancients 19

5. Badges

a. Valor 29

b. Heroism 9

c. Conquest 14

6. Gold 3184

Dodatni info:

Samo prodaja!

Na shamanu ima 1k golda.

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?

Nisam prvi vlasnik, ali imam user/pass, sq, kopiju vozacke vlasnika.

Okvirna cena: 200e

Edited by Pobulica
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