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WTS [A] Hunter 80


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Armory link za karatkera/e je/su:


Na accountu se jos nalaze:




Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions : Enchanting 450/Leatherworking 450/Cooking 450/First Aid 450/Fishing 225/

2. Arena Points - nema

3. Achievement Points 3270

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente : Heroic:The Spellweaver's Downfall,Heroic:The Fall of Naxxramas,Heroic:Emalon The Stone Watcher,Epic

b. Titule : Jenkins,The Explorer,Champion of the Frozen Waists

4. PvP Marks

honor : 75000

a. Wintergrasp 11

b. Warsong Gulch 38

c. Alterac Valley 17

d. Arathi Basin 24

e. Strand of the Ancients 6

5. Badges

a. Valor 188

b. Heroism 41

c. Stone keeper shards 529

d. Conquest 4

6. Gold : 3k

Dodatni info:

U banci imam legse t7.5 i 3x hatefull itema(ne enchantovane i ne soketavane-legs,chest,ruke) i 1x deadly gladiator ruke,Darkoom card: Death,epic fishing pole,enchant materijali i ponesto leatherworking materijala(Icy Dragonscala i Nerubian Cithina),i cooking materijala.

Account je slobodan za transfer.

Account istice 30 juna.

Primam samo pare.

Informacije: 062 153 17 28,mgruntz@hotmail.com

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?

Prvi sam vlasnik od juna 2005-god.Imam sve informacije.

Okvirna cena: 120 eura

Edited by hhhh
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