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OverSky's FPVODs

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Toby - kanadjin pravi svoje first person vodove (HD) i baca commentary :) Lik je do jaja igrach, bio prvi na ladderu pre 2 godine cini mi se, igrao invi ladder, al kaze da je bolji dosta sad.

Ovo je njegov youtube channel gde ih uploaduje.

Gosugamers.net link

Takodje trazi dobre igrache, pa ako je neko zainteresovan moze da mu se javi na msn. Iskreno voleo bi da vidim Acu i ostale pro igrache sa ovog foruma vs overskya :) Sad vam ide wcg pa mozete malo da vezbate :D

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kako uopshte stupiti u kontakt sa njim?

Blue is the colour, football is the game

We're all together, and winning is our aim

So cheer us on through the sun and rain

'cause Chelsea, Chelsea is our name,

Here at the Bridge whether rain or fine

We can shine all the time

Home or away, come and see us play

You're welcome any day

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posalji mu poruku na youtube ili msn Forced-Attrition@hotmail.com

Naravno da bi ga dobili aca i padash :D Pravi on dosta gresaka, pogotovo u microu... nego sam mislio da aca proba nesto novo protiv njega recimo... Zadnjih par vodova su mu katastrofa..

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ostavite se zabe na miru!


grinder says:

eo bas sam sad izmikrovao demona 6-icu

grinder says:


grinder says:

i uspeo sam ....

grinder says:


` Nemanja Recoba ` says:


grinder says:

realno i am kad ukljuci ulti maltene isto shiba?

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