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WTS [A] Warrior 80


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Armory link za karatkera/e je/su:


Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions - Alch/herb

2. Arena Points - 0

3. Achievement Points - 4235

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente Undying , Twilight Vanquisher,

b. Titule - The undying , twillight vanquisher , knght champion , champion of naaru , champion of the frozen wastes ,

patron , jenkins , the love fool , bloodsail admiral , the noble .

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp - 38

b. Warsong Gulch -96

c. Alterac Valley - 16

d. Arathi Basin-51

e. Strand of the Ancients-3

5. Badges

a. Valor - 41

b. Heroism-91

c. Conquest-22

6. Gold-1000

Dodatni info:

Imam jos 2 lika na taj account isti server 72lvl priest i 71 mage , na priesta imam takodje duel spec uzet , onda na main char imam i full tank gear epic posto je on nekad bio i tank , takodje ima i nesto pvp gear oko 500 resi , i jos nesto trenutno se warr nalazi u 3 guild na serveru.

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?

Imam sve podatke prvi sam vlasnik

Okvirna cena:

Cena po dogovoru mozete me kontaktirati na msn stefansbku@hotmail.com

Edited by stefans
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