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WTS [A] Rogue,Paladin 70


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Armory link za oba karaktera :



Dodatne informacije vezane za lika [ Paladin - Xenoks ]

1. Professions - Nema - Alt char.

2. Arena Points - nema

3. Achievement Points - oko 1k

b. Titule : Jenkins

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp - 0

b. Warsong Gulch - 41

c. Alterac Valley - 21

d. Arathi Basin - 20

e. Strand of the Ancients - 0

5. Badges

c. Badge of jUstice - 44

6. Gold - 200g


Dodatne informacije vezane za lika [ Rogue -Vanisher ]

1. Professions - Skinning - Herbalism

2. Arena Points - nema

3. Achievement Points - oko 1k

b. Titule : Jenkins

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp - 0

b. Warsong Gulch - 48

c. Alterac Valley - 11

d. Arathi Basin - 19

e. Strand of the Ancients - 0

5. Badges

c. Badge of jUstice - 41

6. Gold - 400g

Dodatni info:

Account je TBC i iskoristen je Wotlk trial i takodje se nalazi DK na Accountu.

Oba lika imaju full expirience do lvl 71 tako da kada upgradujete account sa Wotlkom fali 1 expirience do lvl 71 :)

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?

Da,Pasos,SQ,CD Key od Vanilla i od TBC.ZNaci Sve sve sve moguce [;)]

Okvirna cena : Dogovorili bi se,razim veoma malo jer zelim da prestanem da igram.

Kontakt : bole-kezman@hotmail.com ili PM ( Prefer PM )

Edited by Kenchan
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