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WTS [H] Death Knight 80


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Armory link za karatkera/e je/su:

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika: tank- primary/ dps gear nax 25 man

1. Professions (navesti egzoticne craftove ukoliko ih ima) mining - engineering

2. Arena Points 1450

3. Achievement Points 2400

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente (Undying, Immortal, Of the ... Twilight Vanquisher, etc...ocishceno sve sem ulduar

b. Titule champion of the frozen wastes

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp 45

b. Warsong Gulch 9

c. Alterac Valley 3

d. Arathi Basin 6

e. Strand of the Ancients 11

5. Badges

a. Valor 56

b. Heroism 24

6. Gold 1500

Dodatni info:

(zelim da menjam za to i to, kupujem to i to, samo pare...) samo prodajem

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?

(navesti da li imate sve podatke koji su vezani za Acc, SQ/A, Keys, Mail…) jesam

Okvirna cena: po dogovoru

account ima pored ovog lika josh 3 lika 70 lvl ( BT / MH / SWP/) gearovanih

i jedan 70 lvl alijansa.

ozbiljne ponude samo


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kao shto ste trazili evo armory linka:


off gear ( dps ) je sledeci:

head : Fire-Scortched Grathelm

neck : Collar of Dissolution

Shoulder : t 7.5

back : Hateful Gladiator

Chest : t 7.5

Wrist : bracers of lost sentiments

weapon : Collosal Skull-clad cleaver

relic : Sigil of haunted dreams

gloves : t7.5

waist : Flame Bathed steel gridle

leggins : Legplates of double strikes

feet : Death-inured Sabatons

ring 1 : Hemorrhaging circle

ring2 : strong-handed ring

trinket 1 : Mirror of truth

trinket 2 : Incisor Fragment

Napomena : izvinjavam se unapred shto se nisam ranije javio jer sam bio na poslu , takodje sorry shto sam samo napisao imena itema jer iskreno nisam znao da dam link svakog itema zasebno.

takodje char NEMA epic fly mounta i IMA kupljen dualspecc

i nema arena poena vishe jer su ih skinuli kad se zavrshila sezona

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