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WTS/T 6x70

Svi su na frostmane pvp realm!

I female undead mage

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions (navesti egzoticne craftove ukoliko ih ima): enchanting 375 engineering 375

2. Arena Points 0

3. Achievement Points 1760

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente (Undying, Immortal, Of the ... Twilight Vanquisher, etc...) : /

b. Titule challenger, champion of naaru, jenkins, hand of a'dal

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp 0

b. Warsong Gulch 30

c. Alterac Valley 77

d. Arathi Basin 70

e. Strand of the Ancients 0

5. Badges

a. Valor

b. Heroism

c. justice 104

6. Gold oko 2k

ima epic fly, vise zemnih mountova, full je t6, 1300 SP, gomilla matsa u banci, kao i geara.

II. male UD rogue

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions (navesti egzoticne craftove ukoliko ih ima) skinning 124 herb 104

2. Arena Points 0

3. Achievement Points 570

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente (Undying, Immortal, Of the ... Twilight Vanquisher, etc...) /

b. Titule challenger

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp 0

b. Warsong Gulch 14

c. Alterac Valley 100

d. Arathi Basin 8

e. Strand of the Ancients 0

5. Badges

a. Valor

b. Heroism

c. Justice 12

full merciless!

III ORC warrior male

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions (navesti egzoticne craftove ukoliko ih ima) herbalizam 375

2. Arena Points

3. Achievement Points 680

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente (Undying, Immortal, Of the ... Twilight Vanquisher, etc...

b. Titule

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp

b. Warsong Gulch

c. Alterac Valley

d. Arathi Basin

e. Strand of the Ancients

5. Badges

a. Valor

b. Heroism

ima solidan plavi gear i za tankovanje i za levelovanje!

IV Male tauren druid

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions (navesti egzoticne craftove ukoliko ih ima) skinning/LW 375/365

2. Arena Points 0

3. Achievement Points 620

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente (Undying, Immortal, Of the ... Twilight Vanquisher, etc...

b. Titule

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp

b. Warsong Gulch

c. Alterac Valley

d. Arathi Basin

e. Strand of the Ancients

5. Badges

a. Valor

b. Heroism

c. justice 19

ima dobar epic/rare gear za balans i za feral.

V tauren DK male

plavi gear od questova. Nista specijalno

VI BE female priest

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions (navesti egzoticne craftove ukoliko ih ima) mining/tailoring 375/365

2. Arena Points 0

3. Achievement Points 570

a. Navesti znacajnije achievemente (Undying, Immortal, Of the ... Twilight Vanquisher, etc...) /

b. Titule /

4. PvP Marks

a. Wintergrasp /

b. Warsong Gulch /

c. Alterac Valley /

d. Arathi Basin /

e. Strand of the Ancients

5. Badges

a. Valor

b. Heroism

tek dingovan lik, ima oko 600 SP, dual spec, holy shadow. solidan leveling plavi gear!

Da li ste prvi vlasnik? NE

Imam sve podatke vezane za acc, SQ,mail, pasos skeniran. Wotlk kje narucen samo treba jos da stigne(STIGAO). Uplaceno jos mesec i po dana! prist je 73

kontakt na 063 567845

Zbog template sam mozda nesto zaboravio. Ostalo sta vas interesuje nemojte se stideti. pitajte!

Edited by do1nk
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