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WTS [H] shadow priest 80


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Armory link za karatkera/e je/su:

2070 sp self buffed,21.43 crit


i jos dosta alternativne opreme u banci

na accountu ima i rogue twink sa 5 heirloom items

Dodatne informacije vezane za lika:

1. Professions - Alchemy 450,herbalism 450

2. Arena Points - ne igram pvp

3. Achievement Points - 2136

Titule - Champion of the frozen wastes

4. PvP Marks

b. Warsong Gulch - 16

5. Badges

a. Valor - 20

b. Heroism - 25

6. Gold - 8000g i jos oko 3000 golda u matsima (flasks etc)

Dodatni info: epic flying,oko 10 mountova black war bear,white polar bear itd.,5 factions na exalted sa sons of hodir,

ostali info PM

Da li ste prvi vlasnik?

prvi vlasnik,SQ,pasos itd

Okvirna cena:

150 maraka

Edited by MILF hunter
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