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fake mail

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It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account.

As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement of Blizzard Entertainment and World of Warcraft.

If upon further investigation you are indeed attempting to obtain monetary profit against the terms of the user agreement, your account can and will be disabled. Blizzard has the right to consider legal action if necesarry, based on the severety of the action.

If you hope to avoid account suspention you should verify your personal possession of the account in question.

We at Blizzard Entertainment take infractions of the user agreement quite seriously, and we must confirm the original ownership of the account.

Please Complete the information in http://wow-europe.com/en/manage/login.html to verify you are the owner of the account in question.

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently due to suspicions of alternative ownership.

We ask that during the time of the investigation you give approximately twenty-four hours of inactivity after sending a response email. This should provide enough time for Blizzard to confirm your identity and that the terms of agreement are being followed as is necesarry.

Blizzard Entertainment Inc

Account Administration Team

P.O. Box 18979, Irvine, CA 92623


Account Administration Team

Blizzard Entertainment Inc.

Ja mislim da je fake a vi ?

Cisto da proverim jer je za drugara, necu da imam samo moje misljenje nego nekog od Vas jos, znam da blizzard ne salje ovakve mailove :)


Edited by SaKaL_HuNtEr


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Mozda ima i drugih novijih fora...mozda i nisam u pravu...ali ja mislim da nije fejk svaki mejl ciji linkovi i verify linkovi vode do wow-europe sajta ...

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently due to suspicions of alternative ownership.

We ask that during the time of the investigation you give approximately twenty-four hours of inactivity after sending a response email. This should provide enough time for Blizzard to confirm your identity and that the terms of agreement are being followed as is necesarry.


pogresno su spellovali "necesarry" ne mogu tacno kako se pravilno pise ali definitivno ne tako! i boga pitaj sta im je suspention ^^ jer se to pise suspension

kao sto sam rekao ranije blizz ne gresi u spellovanju jer oni uvek odgovaraju macro mailovima koje je neko sedeo i sastavljao 3 sata i naravno imao je spellcheck :P pa sada oni samo copy paste te makroe.

anyway FAKE ;)

inace imas spell check i u wordu a cak i ovde na forumu tako da ako ti je nesto sumnjivo ti samo copy paste text i videces ako je text crveno podvucen znaci da je nepravilno napisana rec :P a oni to ne grese :) ili bar ne 3 puta (2 puta jedna ista rec i jednom druga rec) u istom emailu! :)

poz :)

da inace pitaj boga kakav im je ovo log in page?

trebalo bi da pise accountmanagment a ne manage

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Mozda ima i drugih novijih fora...mozda i nisam u pravu...ali ja mislim da nije fejk svaki mejl ciji linkovi i verify linkovi vode do wow-europe sajta ...

quote samog sebe sa drugog posta:

inace treba imati naviku da se gleda koji je link na "status baru" firefox-a (meni View -> Status Bar) a ne samo sta pise da je link, poput www.originalnisajt.com - iako deluje da vodi na originali sajt, realno je u pitanju kinez.

to sto ovde vodi tamo gde i kaze je posledica copy/paste mehanizma na ovom forumu (i drugima uostalom). on moze da sa "Copy Link Location" dobije pravi i vidi da je redirect

a spelling necu ni da komentarisem.... bar dajte office word-u da vam proveri spelling, blizz ne pise bas takve gluposti

Edited by brufen

otišao tetki da odnese lek...

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If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently due to suspicions of alternative ownership.

ma rofl i da je sve ostalo napisano 100% blizz like ovo sto sam quotovao je dovoljan razlog da skontam da je fake. Kao ako ne popunis sta im treba oni ti brisu account ma lol. Tipican pokusaj da se sjebu ne upuceni i lakoverni. Isto tako linkovanje "account menagmenta" kroz mail radi potvrdjivanja identiteta vlasnika account je u sukobu sa onim cuvenim tip of the day: "Blizz emplyer will never ask you for your account information"

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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