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AMD matična ploča


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Treba mi AMD MOBO koji podrzava vcore do 1.5v, i pozeljno xfire. Imam MSI k9n neo v3 MOBO i odlicna je samo sto ocu da overclockujem procesor na 3.3GHz i vise a za to mi treba vCore od preko 1.45v.(msi k9n moze do 1.375v).

Ima li ko preporuka ili cak ponuda?

-Trazim sto jeftiniju a da podrzava navedeno.

-Moze zamena uz potrebne doplate

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i nisi reko koj procesor imas?

i toliki vcore ce ti mnoogo smanjiti vek procesora. ako ga ne zapalis pre toga.

i nije maticna kartica nego maticna ploca

my guess je neka 790gx maticna

tipa biostar TA790GX?


Edited by TorN-d-

She's soft and warm and almost weightless.

Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes.

I tell her that everything will be all right. That i'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far, far away.

I tell her i love her

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:) da da! neznam odakle da pocnem koliko si me izkritikovao!

Pobrkao sam xfire i kros fire, vidi vreme kad sam pisao! mislio sam na CROSSFIRE

Imam AMD 5000+ black edition.Opusteno radi na 3GHz i 1.35v core. Ali planiram modifikovati kuciste za bolje hladjenje i staviti CoolerMaster TX2 zajesno sa josh 2x140mm fanova.

Taj predlog "790gx" sam vec dobio mada neznam gde bi ga nasao i da li bi mogla zamena za ovu moju plochu

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pa 790gx ti je najbolje resenje zato sto posle tu moze da cucne neki phenom2...

potrazi po pcberzi zovi moze sigurno da se nabavi... i mislim da je nekih 80 evra...

za zamenu ne znam... nikad nisam to radio i ne znam koje firme to rade...

She's soft and warm and almost weightless.

Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes.

I tell her that everything will be all right. That i'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far, far away.

I tell her i love her

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