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The X
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Everything posted by Trans-Lucky

  1. ja sam wannabe Will Rahmer (desno) ^^
  2. Nisu samo fanovi Manowara nabildovani. Ima i nas death metalaca bildera
  3. Black Mass Desecration Once touched by the light of christ Holy oblivion had burned his eyes God blessed The nazarene Before his death His crown of doom His blood he`d seen Christ blessed He'll terminate After his death His crucifix His throne of hate Bodies lay In copulation Bodies pray In desecration Bodies slayed Insemination Its christ`s death Black mass desecration Adoration passed Unto the holy betrayer The apostolic traitor Of ancient judäa Iscariot blessed Blessed by exaltation Bearer of the skull A chalice dim of blood Excommunion Of the galilee prayer Occultation Of the genezareth bailer The holy prince Had fecundated The virgin nun And licked christ's cunt God blessed The nazarene Before his death His crown of doom His blood he'd seen Christ blessed He'll terminate After his death His crucifix His throne of hate Bodies lay In copulation Bodies pray In desecration Bodies slayed Insemination Its christ`s death Black mass desecration Once touched by the light of christ Holy oblivion had burned his eyes
  4. Koji ste smaraci.Ako ne znate ne smarajte...
  5. Na kom sajtu ima da se skinu ovakve slike?Ove tematike.
  6. :( Lage kad postanes presednik streljaj modove
  7. Vudu brate... Kakve to jebene veze ima?
  8. ispao mi palamar iz bokserica i mrzi me da ga vracam.treba da gledam daywatch a sutra ustajem rano...-_) a mrzi me da ustajem rano...
  9. Hah bas sam to hteo da napisem :) To jeste bio problem.Zbog toga sto je bio instaliran asapi machine(valjda) kao account. Tnx voodoo :**
  10. I meni se cini.Znam sta pise i gde pise.Ali ocu odma na task manager.
  11. Naime kad stisnem tu poznatu kombinaciju ne izbaci mi task manager vec windows security dialog box.Zna li ko kako da vratim da mi izbaci direkt task manager?
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