Legion of Doom-Bridge Of Lunar Tears
Bloodred horizon - Lead by storming winds
The sky is darkening - Soon the night befall
Water from a thousand lunar tears
The feeling from a thousand years
To the final act of the immortal rites
Dark and mist is my blessing
Midnight is the bridge of mysterious powers
Take my astray into the mountains up high
Bridge of lunar tears
Our blood turned against bastards
My eyes burned from hatred
passing through the paths of immortality
Wisdom and strength - My oaths will be
The wolf and the raven spread my words
Stars and winds sign my songs
Where are your soldiers now Jesus?
The blood of wolf run my veins.... Eternal!!!
Bridge of lunar tears
Juce sam slikao psa :)
Moja mala kuca i ja
Slusaj mali,imao sam mnogo pasa...
A evo je jedna u trku
Game over iliti smorio se od vrucine :)
Malisa :) (inace se zove Meća)
Jump around
I jedna slika celjusti
Aster Bass Gitara,natural color 24 praga p/j magneti,potenciometri promenjeni,relativno nove fender zice,nosena na setup zbog snimanja. 100e kontakt 064 581 36 78 ili pvt
Razlog prodaje je taj sto sam uzeo novi petozicani bas :).