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Јаша Томић

The X
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Everything posted by Јаша Томић

  1. roflmao Znaci nisam hteo drugu da kacim,overi sad hahaha
  2. Haha neka,necu ;) mada mogu da te upoznam ako hoces :) Haha ne volim da snimam :P @absolute Promasio si temu,nismo ni malo depresivni bili veruj mi ;),niti smo goticari.Trebao si nesto drugo da stavis.
  3. Reci koje opisuju sinocnu svirku u Pancevu : Sex,Droga i Death Metal GG no RE
  4. Combichrist,na to se loze ebm goticarke ;) Necasno trojstvo ponovo gazi! Awaiting Fear Kramp Azazel ce oprljiti po pancevcima 17.og Januara, u subotu u klubu "Studio 21". Ocekujte kao i obicno dance-doom-cocktale spektakal a u tome ce pomoci i jedan gnusni zajednicki projekat NECROMANCERS zaostavstina prve Sepulture ikada! Ulaz 150din!
  5. E mene kita ne boli,samo mi se kenja a baba je u wcu -.-
  6. Make his fight on the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun on they run through the endless grey On they fight for they are right, yes but who's to say? For a hill men would kill why? they do not know Suffered wounds test their pride Men of five still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls Take a look to the sky just before you die It's the last time you will Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goals fills his soul with a ruthless cry Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery He hears the silence so loud Crack of dawn all is gone except the will to be Now they see what will be blinded eyes to see For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whomt he bell tolls
  7. Ovakva sranja ne zasluzuju moju paznju.Smrt komuni.
  8. Juce sam vukao kao magarac u teretani i bole me ledja sad :(
  9. Uzeo USB od sestre i kliknuo na scan:
  10. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  11. Prdeo po kuci umesto da sam otisao u teretanu.Odo sad u teretanu da prdim na tegovima.
  12. Polako se vracam u formu posle operacije... » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Samo sam malo vise mas'an od gainera,no dobro to mi je i bila poenta ^^ STA JE BRUS LI.??11 PICKA IZDEFINISANA!!111
  13. E vise mi se popelo na glavu ovo...Naime imam sledeci problem.Pre nekog vremena sam instalirao CS 1.6 da se podsetim starih dana i radi kako treba i sinoc skinem Condition Zero.Odigram jednu partiju single i iskljucim PC i legnem da dzonjam.Jutros ustanem i sednem da igram kad sipak...Naime kad hocu misem da pogledam levo ili desno umesto da se okrenem on strejfuje levo i desno...Trazio sam neke kontrole preko neta i ono samo mogu da iskljucim taj strejf ali i i dalje nece da gleda levo i desno.Gore i dole hoce...Da li neko ima ideju kako da resim ovo?Hvala.
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