Meni njegov interview deluje nekako pesimisticki !!!
How confident do you feel in your play? You have players like Advokate, Fayth, Suker, Blast, and your teammate StaR in your group. Do you feel as though you have a chance to qualify?
- Honesly, I don't think that I have much of a chance to qualify, since those players are really good and it would take a lot of practice to be able to win. I think my advantage would be last year's experience and to be able to relax just as if I was playing at home. However, I don't think I would be able to win both suker and fayth, or suker and advokate.
Ja znam da ima boljih igraca od njega ali nije morao da priznaje
odmah na pocetku da ce se tesko kvalifikovati u sledecu rundu !!!
Treba biti optimista u svakom trenutku ...
Ali neka mu je sa srecom !!! GL