ahaha pazite sta sam nasao na jednom funny forumu
Blizzard Patch 13 Notes:
Zealot build time increased by 50 seconds
Void Ray speed increased. Void Ray charge speed increase. Void Ray max damage increased
Sentries now have Hallucination by default. Force Field must be researched from the Cybernetics Core.
Thor painted a prettier color, build time adjusted by 5 seconds
Time to build nothing decreased by infinity seconds
Roach health reduced to 90
Hydralisk Den now requires a Hive
Roaches no longer regenerate health quickly when burrowed
Ultralisks can now walk over units
Roach armor reduced to 0
Corrupter: Corruption ability now increases build time of buildings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and causes enemy units to spawn creep every other day of the week
Roaches removed from the game