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The X
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Everything posted by chixus

  1. Evo i mene, danas posle 16h cu biti online da konacno odigram neki mec, fizicki nisam imao mogucnosti da igram ni da vezbam [:(!] ali eto danas sam tu, pa bloodlike drz se
  2. Ljludi nije do mene, stvarno ne stizem nista da uradim a kamoli da vezbam, nije stvar u tome, cim budem znao konkretno kad cu moci da izdvojim 2 sata postovacu na forumu !!!
  3. eh sad... covek pogresi... "Graze the skin with my finger tips The brush of dead cold flesh pacifies the means Provocative images delicate features so smooth A pleasant fragrance in the light of the moon Dance with the dead in my dreams Listen to their hallowed screams The dead have taken my soul Temptation's lost all control Simple smiles elude psychotic eyes Lose all mind control rationale declines Empty eyes enslave the creations Of placid faces and lifeless pageants In the depths of a mind insane Fantasy and reality are the same Graze the skin with my finger tips The brush of dead warm flesh pacifies the means Incised members ornaments on my being Adulating the skin before me Simple smiles elude psychotic eyes Lose all mind control rationale declines Empty eyes enslave the creations Of placid faces and lifeless pageants" by Jeff Hanneman and Tom Araya
  4. Ja sam ispao glup u drustvu :( Ovom prilikom se svima izvinjavam sto se ne pojavih na turniru ali sam tek u subotu kasno popodne saznao da je turnir u SUBOTU a ne u NEDELJU, jebi ga... sorry...
  5. Ocu i ja, ocu i ja !!!!!!!! Evo prijavljujem se za turnir ako nije kasno, procitao sam ceo forum tako da mi je jasno kako i sta. Bar da oderem monte-a i Raleta WARNING: Nick "Dz" nije prijava za turnir, to sam ja greskom postovao jel sam se ulogovao tako jer mi je bila ortakinja koja ima taj nick Chixus se prijavljuje za turnir !!!
  6. Ne radi SBB server... stvano su nesposobni iz SBB-a ili ih boli k**ac...
  7. A da se odrzi jedan turnir raketama na dm17 evo jedan fin filmic ispod: http://benisek.users.sbb.co.yu/h/17.avi
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