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Azijski/japanski/korejski filmski festival?
ObiWan replied to Lucky's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Jel je neko gleado Koreanski film " Zastava " . Cuo sam da je starva . -
Za robotech sam samo nasao torrent Imam ja nekih 20 tak ep. Jel je neko za razmenu?
Direct And Anti-Leech http://a-d-c.vze.com/ Well this site has some direct like one piece and a lot of bittorent http://dbzdivx.com/ Bleach > Gundam Seed Destiny > Naruto > Samurai 7 > Samurai Champloo Also has private downloads. http://www.makenshi.com/ More of the latest downloads up for direct http://www.fury-entertainment.com/ For some reason it wont let me enter multimedia http://www.animestampede.com/ Media is down for the time http://www.lostanime.net/ I gotta go through this site http://www.aftermathanime.net/index14.php Yu-Yu Hakusho > Full Metal Alchemist > One Piece > Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone > Inuyasha > Otenjou Tenje > Hellsing > Outlaw Star > Samurai Champloo > Bleach > Gundam SEED > Gundam Seed Destiny > Megaman NT Warriors > Shaman King > Wolf's Rain > Love Hina > Love Hina Again > Please Teacher > Naruto > FLCL > 8th Ms Team > Cowboy Bebop > Yu-Gi-Oh http://www.xsiteclub.com/index.php Variety of different new anime. http://www.downloadanime.org/ Good place to get downloads. http://www.baka-updates.com still havent gone here yet http://www.japanimation-fr.com/animes/ If I am correct, the sites are not in englih and has only naruto episodes http://www.anime-mac.com/main.php Bleach > Naruto > Rozen Maiden > Gakuen Alice > My-Hime http://www.arcanime.com/ Have to be registered to go to download area and get episodes http://hackworld1.free.fr/ Like the music at splash page, anyways the sites in some other language than spanish, and I dont feel like translating, but they have the hack episodes and some other stuff http://www.fanaclub.com/ WTF, another non english site, you can try and figure it out if you want cuz i'm not http://www.darkotaku.com/ Anime info and some media things like avatars gif. http://www.dotanimedot.pri.ee/ You have to register to access the downloads, so try it out http://silentanime.cjb.net/ Still searching...still....still http://www.United-Anime.net Site being worked on. http://anime.roel.no-ip.info/?p=1 I'm not gonna bother putting up all their anime. (about 20 pages worth, although i'm not sure if you have to pay) http://saiyan-rebirth.com/ Full Metal Alchemist > Yu-Yu Hakusho > Drangonball Z > Bleach > Hellsing > Naruto http://www.freeza.nl/ Drgonball > Dragonball Z > Dragonball GT > Obviosly a dragonball site. http://www.fansub.tv/ Lotsa anime but has a qeue line thing, so you have to wait to download and can only process one download at a time. http://demonfox.com/index.php Mahou Sensei Negima > AIR TV > Beck > Bleach > Grenadier Melody Of Oblivion > Monster > My-Hime > Naruto http://www.naruto-kun.com/ Naruto episodes...DUH!!! http://lunarshadow.seedhost.com Various Anime , i think you must register and write a certain numbner of posts to gain acces to the Download section http://www.animechambers.com/ Lotsa good anime to download. http://bsx-media.com/?page=episodes Lotsa anime and always putting up more. You should check it out. http://www.national-anime.com/index.php Again, i'm not gonna bother typing out all the anime they have. You need netpumper to download here. (my favorite site for downloads) http://www.animenfo.com/ Site contains a wide variety of anime info. http://degree-anime.com/ Torrent: GTO Live Action > Gundam X > Prince Of Tennis > Shadow Skill > Naruto Direct: Naruto > Hunter X Hunter > Bleach > Grenadier http://animeprophecy.com/ Lots of anime. About a page of different anime titles. http://cosmic-anime.net/main.php Chron Crusade > Bleach > Naruto > Hunter X Hunter > Samurai Champloo > FLCL > Yu-Yu Hakusho > Full Metal Alchemist http://narutocentral.com I'll give you one guess... http://www.anime-xg.com/ Lots of good anime http://animeprophecy.com/ Long list of anime that i dont feel like typing http://www.exileanime.net/ Ah My Goddess Episodes > Bleach Episodes > DearS Episodes > Full Metal Panic Episodes > Gundam Seed Episodes > Hikaru No go Episodes > Naruto Episodes > Please Teacher Episodes > Scrapped Princess Episodes > Yumeria Epsiodes http://www.otakuxl.com/ Bleach > Naruto > Ah My Godess > Green Green TV > DearS > Gundam Seed Destiny > My-Hime http://www.sushibarnetwork.com/index.php Get Backers > Last Exile > Battle Athletes Victory > GITS - Stand Alone Complex http://www.anime-ent.co.uk/ Hunter X Hunter > Naruto > Bakuretsu Tenshi > Bleach > Azusa, Otetsudai Shimasu! > Gundam Seed Destiny > Outlaw Star http://lostanime.net/ Bleach > Cowboy Bebop > Chobits > FLCL > Serial Experiments Lain > Hack//Sign > Neon Genesis Evangelion > Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex > Naruto > Saiyuki RELOAD > Get Backers > Samurai Champloo http://www.celtek.net/anime/ Dragon Ball Z > GUndam Seed Destiny > Bleach > Naruto http://www.ani-revolt.net/ Not too sure right now.... http://kurai-shukumei.net/ More of a mixture of anime, gaming and japanese stuff ftp://subscriber.downloadanime.org/ seems to have a lot of movies and full episodes but i'm not sure how to dl them...kinda a problem http://animeground.com/ Lots of anime on private servers..and i mean a lot! Free servers get new full series every month. http://puresquare.com/ Gaming / Anime site http://crystalflare.com/ Dunno yet.... http://www.animecrave.com/ .Hack//Sign > Hellsign > Inuyasha > Neon Genisis Evangelion > Oh! My Godess > Record Of The Lodoss War > LW Chronicles Of Heroic Knight > Reign ThE Counquer > Rurouni Kenshin > Trigun http://www.preanimation.nipz.com/ mostly bleach manga http://www.akirablaid.com/ As of right now just Naruto...buthope fully more coming soon (also has premium media) http://www.animelab.com/anime.manga/jump/4745 mostly manga and some soundtracks http://www.otakulive.com/ searching http://www.animedestiny.net/splash.html Good animes, long list http://ao-rebirth.com/ Site was moved and is now up and running, hope it dosnt go down again http://www.narutofob.com/ mainly naruto stuff http://carfreaks.b0nk.net/InitialD/ they never finished site but the media is still up http://www.bleachportal.net/ Obviously its mainly bleach anime http://ryuusei.info/ Site is currently redoing some things http://www.animevu.com/ Onegai Twins and OVA's, also premium membership for only $5 and never have to pay again http://www.hatakekakashi.com/ Should be up by now. http://www.thaigaming.com/webboard/index.php?showforum=15 Serial Experiemnts Lain > Melody Of Oblivion > Chrono Crusade > Rozen Maiden > Krapa W - The Road to Al De Baran > A Little Snow Fairy Sugar > Gunslinger Girl > UFO Princess S1 > UFO Princess S2 > W-Wish > Kakyuusei II > Cosprayers > Air > Comic Party http://www.mangadownload.net/ A lot of manga http://www.dbgtrealm.com/ dunno, dont really care too much http://www.nihon-anime.com/ Nice site with some different anime. Beet > Bleach > Battle Programmer SHirase > Argento Soma > Elfen Lied > Fantastic Children > Groove Adventure Rave > Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien > My-Hime > Mahou Sensei Negami > Melody of Oblivion > Mezzo D.S.A > Naruto > Monster > Outlaw Star > Planet ES > Pugyuru > Star Ocean EX > Tales Of Eternai > Tenjo Tenje > Xenosaga > Tweeny Witches > Along with some OST's and OVA's http://www.ssmrage.com/ Down for the moment http://gendou.com/ A large amount of OST's and other mp3 files, like hack//sign and gundam seed and much much more http://www.dark-forces.net/ As they like to put it, they are "temporarily out of order", and will be closed for a few days or so. http://www.anime-source.com/ What do u know.....even more manga http://www.echopipe.net/ One Piece > Please Teacher > Bleach > Full Metal Alchemist > Zoids > Kenshin > Yu-Yu-Hakusho > Naruto > Love Hina > Dragonball http://duelcorp.com/ Will be returning soon http://www.anime-kun.net/ Lotsa anime wallpapers, animated gifs. fanwork and all that good stuff http://www.planetbrolly.com DBGT > Cowboy Bebop > Naruto > Hellsign > DBZ > DB > Gundam Seed > Initial D > Hikaru No Go > Bleach > Sonic X http://potatobun.hive.com.my/ lates anime up for download. http://narutochaos.com/ Usually has latest Naruto downloads. http://www.narutofob.com/ Latest few eps of Naruto > Bleach > Samurai Champloo (sub). Also has Full Metal Panic 1-10 > Love Hina complete > Manga Naruto complete. http://anime.emuparadise.org/ Lotsa songs for downloads. http://www.evil-network.net/ Make 100 posts before you can download media. Torrents http://a.scarywater.net/ Something like a bittorent tracker er...yea http://www.anime-keep.org/ Lotsa bittorent downloads http://www.animelab.com/anime.manga/bittorrent/ Quite a few different titles available for torrent download http://www.boxtorrents.com/ Nvr. actually took the time to check it out, but I heard that it has a lot of different anime up for torrents http://www.toriyamaworld.com/ Actually more manga then anime...or all manga... http://a.scarywater.net/soldats/ 35 torrents http://www.anime-hq.com/ About a page or so of movies and series and such http://www.aszz.vzz.net/ About a page of bittorent downloads, not much here http://www.anime-town.com/ Some bittorent anime and a lot of openings and endings of anime, also ost's of anime. Lots of mp3's http://www.animeyuki.com/ Has direct and torrent downloads. http://degree-anime.com/ Torrent: GTO Live Action > Gundam X > Prince Of Tennis > Shadow Skill > Naruto Direct: Naruto > Hunter X Hunter > Bleach > Grenadier http://www.saiyanisland.com/ Naruto torrent > Slam Dunk torrent http://www.animeaddiction.net/bittorrents.shtml As their page says "Anime torrents and More"
Ghost In The Shell 2 http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...S2-Innocence.rm Naruto http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...o_Movie_01.rmvb Appleseed http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...seed_Part_A.zip http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...eed_Part_B.rmvb Broly_Second_Coming http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...econd_Coming.rm Dead_Leaves http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_.../Dead_Leaves.rm Amon, Apocalypse of Devilman http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...of_Devilman.zip Rurouni Kenshin the Movie http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...the_Movie-RM.rm Baki The Grappler http://anihost.net/~kat/Media_Database/H2_...the_Grappler.rm
Ghost In The Shell 2 http://www.evil-network.net/downloads/medi...ovies/gits2.zip Ghost In The Shell 1 http://www.evil-network.net/downloads/medi...movies/gits.zip Blood - The Last Vampier http://tetrabyte.silverstatehosting.com/mo...t%20Vampire.zip Cowboy Bebop The Movie http://tetrabyte.silverstatehosting.com/mo...The%20Movie.zip Fist Of The North Star http://tetrabyte.silverstatehosting.com/mo...orth%20Star.zip Inuyasha Movie 2 http://tetrabyte.silverstatehosting.com/mo...asha_Movie2.zip Inuyasha Movie 3 http://tetrabyte.silverstatehosting.com/mo...20Movie%203.zip Naruto The Movie http://www.evil-network.net/downloads/medi...vies/naruto.zip Ninja Scroll http://www.evil-network.net/downloads/medi...inja_Scroll.zip Street Fighter http://www.evil-network.net/downloads/medi...ghter_Alpha.zip Street Fighter 2 http://tetrabyte.silverstatehosting.com/mo...Fighter%202.zip Vampier Hunter D - Blood Lust http://tetrabyte.silverstatehosting.com/mo...20Bloodlust.zip klik I UZIVAJ ....
Star Wars je nagrdio kolko je zaradio kinte za prvi vikend 160 mil $, samo u Severnoj Americi za 3 dana .Titanik is gooing down.Ihaaaaa " LOS ANGELES - The last of the "Star Wars" movies has done what no movie in history has ever accomplished — sold $50 million worth of tickets in a single day. " " LOS ANGELES - Moviegoers have turned out in full force for the final chapter of the "Star Wars" saga, which took in $158.5 million since its opening to shatter three-day and four-day box office records. ADVERTISEMENT "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith" grossed $124.7 million from Thursday to Saturday, according to studio estimates Sunday. That's higher than the three-day record set by the first "Spider-Man," which took in $114.8 million in May 2002 — though "Star Wars" had a lower Friday-Sunday take ($108.5 million) than the Tobey Maguire film. "Revenge of the Sith" rang in a whopping $50 million on its opening Thursday, a single-day record boosted by eagerly anticipated midnight showings, and its total receipts since then beat the four-day $134.3 million opening of 2003's "The Matrix Reloaded." The George Lucas film has also grossed $144.7 million overseas for a total of $303 million worldwide. " Bole nemas pojma .
Star Wars - Clone Wars download all EP.
ObiWan replied to ObiWan's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Havla Obi za linkove , Hvala ... -
Nemozes mu nista . Ali u Ep. 3 kada Anikan secka vodje Trade Federation-a , uz pomoc sile zatvarasva vrata . Dok ga zadnji, iz gore pomenute federacije, moli za zivot u pozadini se vide otvorena vrata . Nista strasno , ali ipak ...
Da li je neko primetio Milenimu Falkona u filmu ? Ja jesam . hehehe Posle spasavanja Palpatina od strane Ani-a i Obi-a , Vidi se Milenimu Falkon kako slece u svemirsku luku . :)
U potpunosti se slazem sa pER tU aMOR-om, Sinoc sam ga odgledao u Domu Sindikata i odusevio sam se. Ne mogu da prestanem da mislim o filmu . Film je fenomenalan , pun emocija , noir verzija Star wars ... I sta sad kad nema vise ?? Ste da se radi dalje ?? Now I am one with the force.
Star Wars - Clone Wars download all EP.
ObiWan replied to ObiWan's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Ima li jos neko problema sa downloadom sem mene ?? -
Znaci Kole ja po zanimanju novinar i to los novinar :)
Star Wars - Clone Wars download all EP.
ObiWan replied to ObiWan's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Bayo , to se zove sharing , inace postovao sam linkove na 4 foruma :) Qualiet je zadovoljavajuci , ali steta , linkovi su trenutno down . Probacu da nadjem nove. -
Star Wars - Clone Wars download all EP.
ObiWan replied to ObiWan's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Lik sto je radio Dexter-a i Samurai Jack-a . Svaka ep. traje po 10minuta ali je strava uradjeno . Prikazivali su na CartoonNetwork-u jedno vreme . Pre neki dan su pustili zadnjih 5 ep , bas pred svetsku premijeru EP3.