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Everything posted by Katsu

  1. U tom sam i ja nekom fazonu da se prebacim na kabl,al niko mi ne garantuje da ce tamo biti bolje.
  2. Evo meni vec par dana na Orionu latency katastrofa...pizdim,a ne znam dal moze nekako da se podesi.Standardno su mi rekli da ne znaju u cemu je problem bla bla.Jebena linija jebeni ruter...dok sam bio na modemu sve bilo ok Tako da imas moju podrsku Shekk ;)
  3. Godinu dana kasnije Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012-SKIDROW Features: * All-new and redesigned * Gather your allies to face new Archenemies * New decks using some of the newest cards: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 features ten new decks using cards from the latest Magic:The Gathering expansions, including your first chance to play with cards from the Magic 2012 Core Set. Each deck also offers 16 additional cards that can be unlocked as well. * Modify your deck for your own play style * Fifteen puzzling challenge levels * Three- and Four-Player Enhanced Co-op Play Ja cu sigurno odigrati challenge,a zanima me i ovaj deck builder dal su popravili.
  4. lol HOUSE LANNISTER 80% HOUSE TARGARYEN 65% Daenerys Targaryen 80% Brandon Stark 65% najbolje da je tako ;)
  5. Pa slabo da imate nesto od novijih...gomila serija je josh uvek ongoing. Serije iz 2010 ste pogledali. Uvek mozete da gledate Hokuto no ken ;)
  6. Beskonacno manly tears...prosek serija.
  7. Chrono Trigger ? Anyway instalirao sam ds,cak sam se i iscimao da namestim joypad(mora da se skida neki xbox joy emulator).Dovoljno je bilo kad sam video kameru da je batalim. Klasican h&s za konzolu.
  8. hah...jebiga Ajd bas postavi nesto pa da vidimo !
  9. Ne svidja mi se,al posto ih nista ne razumem bez ocene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTt5lfVkWJw&feature=related
  10. Ko ga jebe kad igra FPS na konzoli ;)
  11. Fake ne fake,sjajan je lik. Ona prva dva cima su mi bila najbolja 0:35
  12. najbolje da su DS igre sranje...NAPRAVITE VI BOLJE !!
  13. Da ne otvaram novi topic Dungeon Siege III-RELOADED Size: 4.25 GB
  14. Duke Nukem Forever-Razor1911
  15. Dobra 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aC38RldkLI
  16. Tu smo josh uvek kali,lex,ja. Kidali smo realno...samo je lagovalo tada i likovi su nas rashovali par puta na onoj online ligi ;) Krivim leksa !!!
  17. Katsu

    Prototype 2

    Al kali nije prehsao igru haha nub...nije znao da ubije zadnjeg bosa Shonja !!
  18. Z on TV June 1, 2011 HBO confirms: Vin Diesel casted for roll of Stannis Baratheon HBO's highly praised show 'Game of Thrones' has gained one more famous star for season two.HBO announced that Vin Diesel shall play Stannis Baratheon.Vin Diesel mostly known for his portray of escaped convict Riddick,also known for his love of fantasy books and games has said that he is honored to play Stannis.
  19. ok je,to oko me malo podsetilo na
  20. Katsu


    Darksiders II hits 360, PS3, PCs next year THQ sequel to last year's apocalyptic action game depicts the end of the world from the perspective of Death instead of War. The publisher included few details about the game in its announcement, but did specify that the game would follow the horseman Death instead of the original game's protagonist, War. Darksiders II will tell a parallel story to the original instead of continuing on from that title's conclusion. In the game, Death will attempt to clear War's "good" name (he's accused of starting the end of times ahead of time) and save mankind in the process. As for gameplay specifics, THQ said that Darksiders II will feature "a dramatically larger world." Along with the larger world, the publisher is planning to give players upgradeable equipment, new enemies, and bigger dungeons.
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