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Everything posted by Chobo_Freeman
ClanBase NC
Chobo_Freeman replied to ZeRoX-'s topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Izgubio od GrubbyFuna?ROflamo,ajde cuti bre kada nemash veze sa vezom,pogotovo sa warcarftom,i sada si ti meni doshao da pametujesh kakve poljska ima igrace i kako igraju,od svih likova na netu najbolje znam poljake a sto se tice Snake,on je jedan od boljih orcova u evropi,a sto se tice njihovog tima 2x2 to bolje da ne spominjem,jer bolje da ne znash sta ce sve da pregaze,A sto se tice onog tvog GrubbyFuna koji je izgubio sa 2-0 od snake i josh ga proglasio maphackerom i slao rep blizardu bolje cuti! Mogu josh milion stvari da ti nabrajam sto se tice poljaka,koji imaju 10x bolje igrace od nashih,samo me iskreno bas briga da ti objasnjavam to sve kada i ovako nemash pojma ili nisi u toku. [EDIT]Samo je malo sredjen post da bi mogao da izadje u javnost a pritom je smisao zadrzan, Moderator Team. [/EDIT] -
ClanBase NC
Chobo_Freeman replied to ZeRoX-'s topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Rofl,bolji od Poljske si ti lood?Dali ti znash ko sve igra za poljsku,pa igazice nas,sanse su nam 40%,a sto se tice holandije,nema shanse da je dobijemo,bugare takodje neverujem,dance isto jako tesko,znaci samo slovake :) Evo vam pa gledajte : Holandija: http://www.esl-europe.net/enc/wc3/teams/se...n1/team/701408/ Danska: http://www.esl-europe.net/enc/wc3/teams/se...n1/team/699688/ Poljska: http://www.esl-europe.net/enc/wc3/teams/se...n1/team/687312/ Bugarska: http://www.esl-europe.net/enc/wc3/teams/se...n1/team/705339/ Mislim da su nam shanse veoma male,ali videcemo videcemo Mi(SCG): http://www.esl-europe.net/enc/wc3/teams/se...n1/team/686110/ -
Contents I. Introduction II. Arcane Talents III. Fire Talents IV. Frost Talents V. Talent Builds VI. What to Spec First VII. Version History I. Introduction This post attempts to provide an overview of talent spec options available to mages, coupled with some guidance and opinion. I was a level 60 Troll Mage on Closed PvP in Beta and now have a level 60 Undead Mage on Archimonde in retail. Thanks to all those who have contributed with builds, ideas, and suggestions. It is you who have made the mage community one of the strongest among the class boards. The positive changes and feedback we've received from the devs is a testament to this. If you're looking for an introduction to the mage class in general and not specifically a talent guide, please see Nether's thread here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...ow-mage&t=33152 If you're interested in top-end equipment options for a Mage, please see A Guide to Mage Equipment here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...ow-mage&t=12046 If you're just looking for crit items, check out Aydenpyon's thread for a useful overview: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...w-mage&t=110627 If you're looking for places to AE level with your mage, please see Fizzlepop's thread here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...ow-mage&t=48467 What's New in this Revision 2005.03.17: Lots of edits in the talent descriptions/advice to make them clearer/more accurate. Also added several new builds. Talents in General Once you reach level 10, you receive a talent point each level until level 60, amounting to a total of 51 talent points. These talents provide you with a way to customize your character to suit your playstyle and preferences. You can choose your talents by pressing the 'N' key and allocating your points by clicking. Note the three tabs at the bottom of the window: Arcane, Fire and Frost. These are referenced as 'talent trees' and are set up in tiers. You'll have to spend points in the shallow tiers before you can access the talents in the deeper tiers. Certain talents also require specific prerequisites before you can train in them. You can explore talents and talent builds with WoW Vault's talent calculator, available here: http://wowvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Tale...ory_select_id=4 Resetting Talents You can reset talents by speaking to any Mage class trainer. The first time you reset your talents, it costs 1 gold. The next time it will be 5 gold, then 10 gold, then every time there after 5 more gold, e.g. 15, 20, 25, etc., all the way up to 50 gold, where it is capped. You pay to reset all of your talents at once, there is no way to undo one or two talents. Note: If you have trained any talent-given spells such as Blast Wave, Pyroblast or Ice Barrier, you will have to rebuy Rank 2 and above when you retrain your talents. There is no right way or wrong way to spec, and above all your spec should be tailored to the way you play. Enhance the aspects of the Mage that you most enjoy and take everything said in this guide with a grain of salt. II. Arcane Talents All talent descriptions refer to fully speccing in that talent. Arcane Subtlety Reduces the threat generated by your offensive arcane spells by 40%. Since this talent only applies to arcane spells, it's of limited utility. Most of the time you won't be casting exclusively arcane spells, however, there are a few notable exceptions to this. Higher level instances typically have mobs immune to Fire which means that if you're not Frost, then Arcane Missiles is the spell to use. Reducing your threat by 40% will let the warriors hold aggro easier. Another application for this talent is when you're AEing. The threat reduction comes through and makes keeping elites off of you easier. All that said, this is very much a PvE only talent (threat doesn't matter in PvP); however, it can allow you to unleash more DPS in PvE without getting aggro, making you that much more effective in a group. Arcane Focus Reduces the chance that the opponent can resist your arcane spells by 10%. This is useful in both PvP and PvE, but I can't say that I've noticed a tremendous difference on high level raid mobs with or without this talent. (Molten Core or Onxyia's level 63 raid elites resisted quite a bit whether or not I had the talent, and there wasn't a statistically significant difference from the data I collected). Also, the Warlock's Curse of Shadow, see http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?k=828, which also reduces Arcane resist, has far more noticeable effects on Arcane damage. Still, if you're going for 31+ Arcane build, this talent offers a viable place to drop spare points to unlock the deeper tiers. Also, preliminary testing indicates that Arcane Focus may make Polymorph's duration more consistent and longer in PvP. Improved Arcane Missiles Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while channeling Arcane Missiles. This allows you to do damage while getting beat on. Note that it only prevents to interruption from damage -- this talent does nothing against Silence, Shield Bash, Pummel, Kick, Earth Shock or any of the other spell-interrupting abilities. It's worth getting no matter what your mage will turn out to be as it has applications across the board. That said, you can safely delay getting this talent if you're interested in pursuing a different tree. Some people feel that it's a coin flip whether want to put 5 into this or 5 in Arcane Focus to get to the next tier, however, having an uninterruptable damage spell is very nice. Wand Specialization Increases your damage with Wands by 25%. If for some reason you're keen on using Wands often with your mage, this talent might be worth a consideration. Personally I tend to only use wands to finish off a mob low on health or while low on mana (since shooting with a wand doesn't count as casting a spell -- meaning you can Spirit regen). Also wands are somewhat painful to use since there's no Autoshoot, nor does Blizzard plan to add one (Autoshoot is a feature reserved for the Hunter class, a blue post said not too long ago). Most mages don't spec this talent. Arcane Concentration Gives you a 10% chance of entering a Clearcasting state after any damage spell hits a target. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next damage spell by 100%. Any time you cast a damage spell -- which is most of the time for a mage, you have a chance to proc Clearcasting and get your next damage spell free. Note that the Clearcasting effect fades after about 15 seconds so this talent isn't quite a 10% mana cost reduction because you might proc on your killing spell with no new target in sight (or yourself low on mana). You can also cast low mana cost/high efficiency spells (such as Scorch or Frostbolt) until you get a clearcast and then use a high mana cost spell (such as Arcane Missiles, Flamestrike or Blizzard) thus boosting your net mana efficiency. Many mages spec this talent. Improved Dampen Magic Increases the effect of your Dampen Magic spell by 50%. Dampen Magic itself is a spell with rather limited utility -- I only use it when I'm fighting casters without a healer, in other words, when I'm soloing. The talent probably isn't worth investing the points unless for some reason you're fighting a lot of low damage caster mobs. Without the talent dampen magic at its highest rank reduces spell damage by 50 and reduces healing by 100. With the talent it goes to 75 and 150, respectively. Note that for periodic effects, such as Shadow Word: Pain or other DoTs, dampen magic only applies to the total damage not to each period, thus greatly lessening its utility against DoTs. Improved Arcane Explosion Reduces the casting time of your Arcane Explosion by 1.5 seconds. Astute readers will note that Arcane Explosion's casting time itself only 1.5 seconds... which means that 5 points in this talent makes Arcane Explosion in effect instant, allowing you to cast it while moving and making it uninterruptable. This talent is invaluable for AEing (whether solo or grouped) since it means you can always put out damage, even when mobs are beating on you. It might even be called a 'must have' talent, since almost all groups will assume you have it for higher level instances (the Lyceum in Blackrock Depths comes to mind). A small cavaet -- debuffs that increase spellcasting time (such as Curse of Tongues or Mind-numbing Poison) will make Arcane Explosion non-instant, even if you have 5/5 in the talent. This may be a bug or an oversight, but it hasn't been changed for several patches and may be intended. All in all, however, Improved Arcane Explosion is a wonderful talent that no mage should honestly be without, aside from perhaps some very deep Frost builds that rely on Improved Blizzard to AE. Evocation While channeling this spell, your mana regeneration is active and increased by 1500%. Lasts 8 seconds. Essentially this is a manaheal on a 10 minute timer. Since it acts on your mana regeneration, you'll want to keep up a decent amount of Spirit before using Evocation. At lower levels (before equipment makes mana pools grow substantially) it'll often be a full mana heal. At level 60 it can range from 40% to 75%, depending on how much Spirit gear you're wearing. Because it's on a 10 minute timer, it's best to save this ability for when you really need it -- e.g. you get an unexpected add right after killing a mob and you only have enough mana for a Polymorph -- cast your Polymorph, Evocation, then take out the add. It's also very useful for prolonged boss fights or raid encounters where you won't be able to get out of combat to drink. Improved Mana Shield Increases the damage absorbed by your Mana Shield by 75%. This talent -- like the spell -- can save you and kill you at the same time. Since mages depend on mana to do almost everything, sacrificing 2 mana to absorb 1 hit point of physical damage is at best a risky tradeoff. However, mages have more ways of getting mana back (mana gems, evocation) than they do getting back health and thus at times the tradeoff can be well worth it. Regarding the talent itself, it essentially makes your Mana Shield absorb more damage before you have to recast it, without changing the mana for damage ratio. Whether or not you get it is personal preference... it's viable place to drop points if you're going deeper in the Arcane Tree, and you can always turn off Mana Shield prematurely by shift-right-clicking the buff icon. One note about mana shield: if you have mana shield on and are low on mana and have a mob hitting on you, if you cast a spell like Fireball (which takes mana at the end of its cast time) and get hit during the cast, you might find yourself out of mana because the Mana Shield absorbed the mana you would have used for the Fireball. Thus in those situations its worth using instants or Arcane Missiles (which takes mana as soon as you press the button). Also, a mana shield tip: I've been told that having mana shield up while drinking will prevent you from being sapped. This, however, has nothing to do with whether or not you have the talent. Improved Counterspell Gives your Counterspell a 100% chance to silence the target for 4 seconds. A very useful talent for PvP, since four seconds can oftentimes be an eternity. Certain classes (priests come to mind) can be completely undone with a well timed Counterspell: Silence -- an interrupted heal, no healing for 10 seconds and no casting at all for 4 seconds. You can also cast it before any spells are cast as a blanket silence; this is useful when you're frontloading on a target (presumably sheeped) and want to take away any opportunities they might have for counterplay. Paladin's immunity works through silence at this point in time, so keep that in mind if you find yourself fighting them. Silence complements an Arc/Fire or Fire/Arc build quite nicely. It's still nice to have in a Frost build, but isn't quite as necessary since Frost doesn't frontload as much. Arcane Meditation Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. On my level 60 mage, this talent translates to about 10 mana a tick while casting... moderately useful, and it could be more useful if I invested more into Spirit gear. This talent can stretch your mana pool slightly, but it's worth noting that it doesn't work with channeled spells (Arcane Missiles, Blizzard) because you're not counting as 'casting' while channeling. This also means you can wait a split-second or two after finishing channeling Arcane Missiles and benefit from a full tick of Spirit Regen without this talent. Since the only times I'm so careful about mana are in raid encounters, and since I find myself using Arcane Missiles in those encounters, I've personally placed my 'filler points' in the Arcane Tree into Arcane Focus rather than this talent. That said, your mileage may vary and if you are spamming Scorch all the time, for example, Arcane Meditation can maximize your efficiency. It's also worth considering this talent if you're going to be spamming Frostbolt in Molten Core -- combined with Mage Armor, you'll be able to get 45% mana regen while casting which begins to be somewhat substantial. Presence of Mind When activated, your next Mage spell with a casting time less than 10 seconds becomes an instant cast spell. This gem of a talent is on a three minute timer, so be sure to use it often if you have it. I commonly use it with Polymorph, Frostbolt, Flamestrike and Pyroblast, depending on the situation. If you do use this while AEing, be sure to note that an Arcane Explosion will use up PoM, even if you have the talents to make AE instant -- this may be a bug, but it hasn't been fixed for several patches... Arcane Mind Increases your maximum Mana by 8%. If you're going for Arcane Power, it's worth putting points into getting more mana (there also aren't that many viable alternative places to put points). 8% of a 6000 mana pool is about 480 mana, not that much but also nothing to sneeze at. Arcane Instability Increases your spell damage and critical strike chance by 3%. Since there are only a handful of ways for mages to raise critical strike chance (100 int = 1% crit, and 100 int is hard to come by), this talent is a gem. It's further bettered by the fact that it works across all your spells, regardless of line. A very useful talent. Arcane Power When activated, your spells deal 35% more damage while costing 35% more mana to cast. This effect lasts 15 seconds. If you've put at least 30 points in Arcane, be sure to get this talent. Note, however, it is dispellable. Still, it is a 35% increase to damage for 15 seconds -- excellent for upping your burst damage. [ post edited by Alcaras ] 2 Alcaras Level 2 Undead Mage Realm: Archimonde 2. Fire Talents and Frost Talents | 11/23/2004 9:46:27 AM PST III. Fire Talents All talent descriptions refer to fully speccing in that talent. For talent-based spells (e.g. Pyroblast), descriptions refer to the highest rank. Improved Fireball Reduces the casting time of your Fireball by 0.5 seconds. This is a decent dps upgrade to Fireball. It's more notable at lower levels. In PvP, battles tend to use instants and not casted spells but since it's a requirement for Pyroblast (and thus the AP PoM Pyro insta-combo for Arc/Fire mages), it's worth getting it. It's probably the best place to first put points for mages since it at levels 10-14 it has a greater utility than any of the other first tier talents. Impact Gives your fire spells a 10% chance to stun the taget for 2 seconds. Useful in PvE, it truly shines in PvP where a stun will interrupt casting and also generally break players' rhythm. It procs off of all fire spells, making it a wise investment. A Flamestrike opener when AEing that stuns several of the mobs/players is very handy. Combusted Blastwave with this talent is absolutely devastating, especially if stacked with other mages. You'll sometimes get lucky with it and proc a stun at the perfect moment -- e.g. right before an enemy finishes casting a heal. Ignite Your critical strikes from fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 40% of your spell's damage over 4 seconds. It's 40% more damage to your crits, but since a crit is already 50% more damage, in effect this means that your crits are 110% damage. A nice way to increase your dps if you're focused around crits (and since our mana stat, Int, is our crit stat as well...). A good place to put points. Note that it applies its damage as a DoT and thus can be dispelled. Improved Fire Blast Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Blast spell by 1.5 seconds. This talent has its uses, but I'm not a fan of cooldown reduction talents personally. It can take your cooldown from 8 seconds to 6.5 seconds, which is noticable (primarily in PvP) but the question then becomes what you have to get up to get those 5 points for this Talent, and I'd rather have Impact or Ignite. Also, it isn't as if you can't cast other things while waiting for Fire Blast's timer (e.g. Instant Arcane Explosion). Still, this talent is personal preference and may work for your particular playstyle. Some people swear by it. Flame Throwing Increases the range of your fire spells by 6 yards. This lets Fireballs and Pyroblasts have 41 yd range, the longest range in game aside from Marksmanship specced Hunters. Useful in PvP (especially stand off situations) and those 6 yards can be handy in PvE in terms of getting another spell off or just more reaction time when soloing. Also in instances, the extra reach on Fire Blast is handy for taking our runners. Incinerate Increases the critical strike chance of your Fire Blast and Scorch spells by 4%. Fire Blast is a core PvP spell and Scorch can be a core PvE spell (because of its fast casting time you'll proc more clearcasts per fight) and thus increasing the chance to crit on both these spells is generally a good thing. Pyroblast Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes 716 to 890 fire damage and an additional 268 damage over 12 seconds. Don't get Pyroblast unless you get Presence of Mind. With sheep lasting at most 15 seconds in PvP and very often much less, you often will not be able to sheep, back up, and get off a full 6 second Pyroblast cast before your target is unsheeped. It's moderately useful in PvE if you're purely focused on mana efficiency (as an opener), but it truly shines with PoM. Since the additional damage is a DoT, it can be dispelled. If you're a Fire Mage, a Combusted Pyroblast is a thing to be feared and is useful when fighting especially tough mobs, but in all honesty, rarely will you have opportunity to successfully land a 6 second casting time spell in PvP. A crit AP PoM Pyroblast is the best burst damage in the game and can be cast while chasing a target (Blinking towards a fleeing enemy then unleashing a fiery ball of death is a fun thing to do, and one of the reasons I love my mage ;). Improved Flamestrike Increases the critical strike chance of your Flamestrike spell by 15%. Required for Blast Wave. Useful if you're doing a PoM/Blast wave build, since you can PoM FS, then follow with a Blast Wave and front load AoE damage. Burning Soul Gives your fire spells a 65% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage. A good mage doesn't need this talent, in my opinion. If for some reason you're trying to cast while getting hit, Improved Arcane Missiles offers a 100% chance to cast without interruption. In PvP, spell interrupts like Silence/Pummel/Kick aren't prevented with either Burning Soul or Improved Arcane Missiles... and thus Burning Soul becomes relegated to casting when a mob is hitting on you and you don't have Arcane Missiles. Note that it isn't that useful with Scorch since you can often time your Scorches to cast and land between a mob's hits on you... and you can almost always Nova and step back or CoC and blink away... I suppose Burning Soul could be useful to a pure Fire mage fighting archer mobs, but even in that situation I'd recommend 100% uninterruptablity with Arcane Missiles. To summarize, it isn't a bad talent, but just one I find unnecessary for my particular playstyle. If it fits your playstyle, then by all means take it and enjoy it. Improved Scorch Burns the target for an additional 25% of your Scorch spell damage over 4 seconds. Unfortunately if you're spamming Scorch, each new scorch will overwrite the Improved Scorch DoT from the previous Scorch, meaning you'll only get 1 of the 2 ticks... thus this talent is 12.5% extra damage on Scorch in those situations... I spoke with a GM and he informed me that this talent is currently working as intended. I don't feel it is worth the points as is. Improved Fire Ward Causes your fire ward to reflect 35% of the damage absorbed back to the caster. At first glance this seems cool -- I can reflect 35% of damage at an enemy mage! But if we look a little deeper... top Rank 5 Fire Ward costs 320 mana and absorbs 585 Fire Damage. This means that at most you'll reflect ~204 Fire Damage, often at the cost of 320 mana. Not the most efficient... there are better places to drop a point in the Fire Tree. Critical Mass Increases the critical strike chance of your fire spells by 6%. More critical strikes (and thus more Ignites) on your fire spells. All around damage increase and useful for a deep Fire Mage. Blast Wave A wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for 462 to 544 fire damage, and dazing them for 6 seconds. The daze is essentially a 50% snare. This spell might shine in Battlegrounds, but it's very situational and since it has a 45 second cooldown timer, you'll pretty much only get to use it once a fight. Still, another instant is always handy and the snare is useful for getting away from melee, even in 1v1 confrontations. Do note however, that if you get Blast Wave, you won't be able to get Arcane Power and thus an Arc/Fire Mage can out burst DPS a Fire/Arc mage... that said, a Combusted Blast Wave is very very painful. Fire Power Increases the damage done by your fire spells by 10%. More damage, all the time. Not much more to say than that. Combustion When activated, this spell gives your next fire damage spell a 100% critical strike chance. Useful for PvE as an opener with Pyroblast or Flamestrike/Blast Wave and useful in PvP in conjunction with Blast Wave or (to a lesser extent) Fire Blast. IV. Frost Talents All talent descriptions refer to fully speccing in that talent. For talent-based spells (e.g. Ice Barrier), descriptions refer to the highest rank. Improved Frostbolt Reduces the casting time of your Frostbolt spell by 0.5 seconds. Much like Improved Fireball, a DPS upgrade, letting you get a 2.5 second frostbolt at its highest rank... and also allowing for a 1 second Rank 1 Frostbolt, handy for snaring runners in PvE and PvP. Permafrost Increases the duration of your chill effects by 3 seconds. Typically frost mages will be chain casting Frostbolt, which means they'll always reapply the snare, making Permafrost not really do anything in that situation. With the changes to Improved Blizzard in the March 2005 patch, Permafrost may not be worth it since the chill is reapplied each wave. However, since Blizzard is now resistable, it might be worth it. The patch isn't out at the time of this writing and my character isn't on the test server so I can't test. Ice Shards Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Frost spells by 100%. This makes Frost spells crit for 100% instead of 50%. E.g. a untalented Frostbolt that normally hits for 100 would crit for 150, but with this talent it would crit for 200. A core talent of a Frost build. Winter's Chill Increases the power of your chill effects by slowing the target's movement by an additional 10%. An extra 10% snare... shines in combination with a Frostbiting Improved Blizzard to essentially immobilize enemy armies. For 1v1 PvE, not really worth the points since you want the mob to get close to you so you can drop Nova, back up and have a chance to Shatter (especially before you get Frostbite). It's handy when solo AEing as frost. Improved Frost Nova Reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova spell by 4 seconds. A prereq for Shatter, useful in its own right since it lets you unleash the Nova+CoC combo more often. Piercing Ice Increases the damage done by your frost spells by 6%. Depending on your particular build and playstyle, may or may not be useful. Frost is much more about control than damage. Does offer a very slight efficiency bonus. Cold Snap When activated, this spell finishes the cooldown on all of your cold spells. Incredibly useful ability that lets you get off two Frost Novas, or two Cone of Colds right after each other. Also refreshes your Ice Block and Ice Barrier timers. Not to be passed up if you're a Frost Mage. Improved Blizzard Adds a chill effect to your Blizzard spell. This effect lowers the target's movement speed to 35% of normal. Lasts 1.5 seconds (4.5 seconds with full Permafrost). The ultimate zerg CC. Blizzard is not intended to crit (according to Kalgan, Blue poster) -- however, as of the March 2005 patch, the chill is reapplied each wave (conceivably this means Frostbite will also have a chance to be reapplied each wave, but I'm not on the test server and aren't able to test at the time of this writing). Arctic Reach Increases the range of your Frostbolt spell and the radius of your Frost Nova and Cone of Cold spells by 20%. More range on Frostbolt (to 36 yds) and a wider CoC and Nova. Debatable, and not as much of a must have as Flame Throwing is for fire, simply because the Frost playstyle is different. Once you get Frostbite, for example, you won't mind mobs hitting you so much since they might freeze themselves by doing so, enabling you to step back and get a Shattered Frostbolt on them. For PvP, however, more range is almost always good. This talent is also very useful in Molten Core, since you can stand just outside the 30 yd AE range and nuke at your pleasure. Frost Channeling Reduces the mana cost of your frost spells by 15%. An efficiency upgrade for Frost. You might want to drop these three points in Improved Cone of Cold instead. Shatter Increases the critical strike chance of your frost spells against frozen targets by 50%. Another core Frost Mage talent. What this talent means is that if you have chance to crit of 5%, then against frozen targets (e.g. Frostbitten or Frost Nova'd targets) you will have a 55% chance to crit. A well-played Frost mage milks Shatter for all its worth. Improved Frost Ward 50% of the damage absorbed by your Frost Ward is added to your mana. First off, very few enemies will even use Frost magic on you. And secondly, Rank 4 Frost Ward absorbs 430 damage at the cost of 255 mana to cast it initially. That means you'll get back 215 mana... not even as much as you put into the spell. There are better places to drop a point in the Frost tree. Ice Block You become encased in a block of ice, protecting you from all physical attacks and spells for 10 seconds, but during that time you cannot attack, move, or cast spells. This spell shines when AEing or in group PvP. It cannot be dispelled so essentially you can prolong your life for 10 seconds. If a pull goes bad while AEing or a healer is stunned, you can hit Ice Block and buy time. A small note: there's about a 1 second 'casting animation lag' between hitting the button and actually getting Ice Blocked, so don't wait too late to hit it. I play with ~50 ms to WoW and have seen the Ice Block animation go up and found myself dead anyway b/c of latency, so keep that in mind. Probably the most valuable talent in Frost for group PvP, simply because you make yourself unkillable (granted, you can't do anything during those 10 seconds, but you stay alive and continue to pose a threat). Also, you can cancel Ice Block by hitting the button again... be aware of this and don't spam the button because you might turn it on only to turn it right off afterwards... Improved Cone of Cold Increases the damage dealt by your Cone of Cold spell by 35%. A useful upgrade to Cone of Cold. For PvP I'd choose this over Frost Channeling and for PvE I would as well, if I found myself AEing a lot. At 60, this lets your crit CoCs hit for ~1000. A nice combo with Nova CoC. Sometimes you can even, Nova, Frostbolt, and CoC quickly and get both to crit using the Shatter off the Nova. Frostbite Gives your chill effects a 15% chance to freeze the target for 5 seconds.A chance to proc a root off of any chill effect (including your Ice Shield!) which you can then Shatter off of. Another core talent of the Frost line. Incredibly fun to have this proc on a melee that attacks you, since they essentially freeze themselves, allowing you to step back, cast on them, etc. Can be mildly annoying if you're solo PvE AE farming since it'll randomly proc on some mobs but on others, but this talent shines in PvP. Ice Barrier Instantly shields you, absorbing 818 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted. A rather disappointing top tier talent to Frost, but handy for soloing. It's on a funky two minute timer, can be overwritten by Power Word: Shield and can be dispelled. However, when solo AoEing, it's very useful since it gives you an ability you otherwise wouldn't have available. [ post edited by Alcaras ] 2 Alcaras Level 2 Undead Mage Realm: Archimonde 3. Talent Builds | 11/23/2004 9:47:27 AM PST V. Talent Builds These are by no means the only builds possible, but are some of the most popular. 31/20 Arcane/Fire The cookie-cutter mage spec. Arguably the strongest for general 1v1 combat thanks to the highest burst damage in the game. My personal choice, that I've come back to time and time again. Core Talents: Improved Arcane Explosion, Presence of Mind, Arcane Power, Pyroblast, Ignite, Impact Customize: 4/5 Arcane Focus into Improved Mana Shield, Improved Dampen Magic and/or Arcane Meditation Q u o t e: Arcane Talents (31 points) # Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points # Arcane Focus - 4/5 points # Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points # Evocation - 1/1 point # Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points # Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points # Arcane Mind - 4/4 points # Presence of Mind - 1/1 point # Arcane Instability - 3/3 points # Arcane Power - 1/1 point Fire Talents (20 points) # Improved Fireball - 5/5 points # Impact - 5/5 points # Ignite - 5/5 points # Flame Throwing - 2/2 points # Pyroblast - 1/1 point # Incinerate - 2/2 points 33/18 Frost/Arcane Control, AE damage and snares and survivablity. The other side of the coin, so to speak. Probably the strongest mage spec that isn't the 31/20 Arcane/Fire spec, this spec has the potential to truly shine in Battlegrounds (depending on how they shape up). Core Talents: Improved Arcane Explosion, Shatter, Frostbite, Improved Blizzard, Ice Block, Cold Snap Customize: 3/3 Improved Cone of Cold into Piercing Ice, Winter's Chill or Frost Channeling. 2/2 Improved Counterspell into Arctic Reach. Q u o t e: Arcane Talents (18 points) # Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points # Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points # Evocation - 1/1 point # Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points # Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points Frost Talents (33 points) # Improved Frostbolt - 5/5 points # Improved Frost Nova - 2/2 points # Ice Shards - 5/5 points # Improved Blizzard - 3/3 points # Cold Snap - 1/1 point # Shatter - 5/5 points # Arctic Reach - 2/2 points # Improved Cone of Cold - 3/3 points # Ice Block - 1/1 point # Frostbite - 5/5 points # Ice Barrier - 1/1 point 33/18 Fire/Arcane More consistent damage, plus the dreaded Combusted Blast Wave. Core Talents: Improved Arcane Explosion, Blast Wave, Fire Power Customize: Take out points from Combustion and Incinerate and drop 2 into Arcane (maybe into Meditation, Focus or Improved Mana Shield) and then get Presence of Mind. Q u o t e: Arcane Talents (18 points) # Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points # Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points # Evocation - 1/1 point # Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points # Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points Fire Talents (33 points) # Impact - 5/5 points # Improved Fireball - 5/5 points # Flame Throwing - 2/2 points # Ignite - 5/5 points # Pyroblast - 1/1 point # Improved Flamestrike - 3/3 points # Incinerate - 2/2 points # Blast Wave - 1/1 point # Critical Mass - 3/3 points # Fire Power - 5/5 points # Combustion - 1/1 point Raid PvE 26 Frost/25 Arcane Efficiency A PvE build built around efficiency. Use with Mage Armor and Frostbolt. Good for raiding. Core Talents: Arcane Mind, Arcane Meditation, Arctic Reach, Ice Block, Frost Channeling. Q u o t e: Arcane Talents (25 points) # Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points # Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points # Evocation - 1/1 point # Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points # Arcane Meditation - 5/5 points # Arcane Mind - 4/4 points Frost Talents (26 points) # Improved Frostbolt - 5/5 points # Ice Shards - 5/5 points # Improved Frost Nova - 2/2 points # Winter's Chill - 2/3 points # Cold Snap - 1/1 point # Shatter - 5/5 points # Frost Channeling - 3/3 points # Arctic Reach - 2/2 points # Ice Block - 1/1 point Crit Build 28 Arcane/23 Fire Built around getting lots of crits thanks to Critical Mass and Arcane Instability. For use with ample +spell crit gear mostly introduced in the March 2005 patch. Q u o t e: Arcane Talents (28 points) Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points Arcane Focus - 2/5 points Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points Evocation - 1/1 point Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points Arcane Mind - 4/4 points Presence of Mind - 1/1 point Arcane Instability - 3/3 points Fire Talents (23 points) Improved Fireball - 5/5 points Impact - 5/5 points Flame Throwing - 2/2 points Ignite - 5/5 points Pyroblast - 1/1 point Incinerate - 2/2 points Critical Mass - 3/3 points [ post edited by Alcaras ] 2 Alcaras Level 2 Undead Mage Realm: Archimonde 4. Re: A Guide to Mage Talent Specs | 11/23/2004 9:48:25 AM PST VI. What to Spec First There are several possible paths up, the one presented below is for a mage who mostly solos and occasionally does instances. If you're running in a set group and know you're going to be AE exping, it's worth going straight to Improved Arcane Explosion and then branching to which tree your prefer. The progression below is probably the simplest and easiest for new mages to acquaint themselves to the class and gain levels rapidly. End-game PvP builds are great for level 60s, but of limited utility for a level 10 mage, freshly talented, whose main focus is getting levels. In that regard, I present what I believe to be an excellent PvE talent progression. Remember, you can respec your talents for merely 1 gold, making levelling up with one set of talents and then switching at high levels very practical. Fire is simply better dps and Frost's mana efficency doesn't kick in until high levels (even then, it still kills slower than Frost on net, based on my testing). Thus Fire is best for PvE. Arcane's Presence of Mind and Arcane Power are of limited utility in PvE, making deep focus in Fire a key to a successful mage. Without further ado, a Mage PvE Talent progression for levels 10-40, listed in order: Levels 10-14: Improved Fireball the best dps increase you can get at this level, since your Rank 3 Fireball has a base 2.5s casting time, this lets you get them off at 2.0s each. Levels 15-16: Flame Throwing is nice because range is convenient and lets you get in more fireballs when fighting mobs. Also, Ignite can be put off since your Intellect (and thus crit rate) is still pathetically low. Levels 17-21: Ignite is a raw damage increase for when you crit. Levels 22-26: Improved Arcane Missiles because it's time to build Arcane to get Instant Arcane Explosion for use in instances. Levels 27-31: Arcane Concentration to get clearcasts. Level 32: Evocation for mana regen once every 10 minutes... at this level it's going to be around 100% of your mana pool, which is very nice. Be warned, it starts fading away from there around level 40ish and at level 60 you can expect about 50% of your mana pool back from Evoc. Level 33-37: Improved Arcane Explosion is very good for the instances you'll be doing at around this level and up -- Gnomeregan, Razorfen Downs, Uldaman, Temple and on up really appreciate it. Level 38-39: Incinerate to make Scorch more useful in Instances, since you'll now be able to scorch for a clearcast to fire Arcane Missiles on. At this point you can continue building in Fire or Arcane or you can spend a gold and respec to whichever combination of talents you prefer. VII. Version History 2005.03.17: Minor edits and updates; a few new talent builds. 2005.01.16: Massive revision and reworking. 2004.11.23: Initial post. Original post available at: http://www.nurfed.com/phpBB2/ viewtopic.php?t=387 Nadam se da vam je ovo dosta :) Mislim da nema bolje objasnjenje nigde na netu od ovoga :)
Izgleda da ce 8 igraca ucestvovati,tako mi je rekao Crovax a to su: Rista,VLadica,Yuri,Duke,Sharky,Sweet,Ghost i ja. Za neki veci info pitajte crovaxa sto se tice War3,ja ovoliko znam,tolko mi je rekao.
Hmm odrzava se u KGBu sada u subotu,Crovax organizuje za Warcraft3,jer me je zvao i pitao dali cu doci itd,ali nismo mnogo toga diskutovali,pa jel zna neko nesto vishe o ovome? Highl1? Nije 4.02.2005. vec 02.04.2005.
Revelcell challenge
Chobo_Freeman replied to Highl1's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Nije se igralo 2x2 jer je 1x1 bilo 3-0,tako da nije bilo potrebe,pa je onda 5-0. -
Junk jeste u poslednje vreme postao retardiran i postao je sajt mass spamera i ljudi koji su dolazili samo da spamuju i da seru na rachun drugih,i svi mi znamo ko su ti ljudi bili,da ih ne nabrajam sada,jer nije ni bitno,junk jeste postao smor jako,ali ako nista drugog mogao sam uvek na bla bla temi da potroshim po 15,20 min,jer je stvarno bio zanimljiv deo Topica,za razliku od Generals koji je pocelo gomile i gomile ljudi da posecuje,smara i spamuje,dok su na bla bla uglavnom bili OLD GARDA ljudi koje sam skoro sve znao u RL. Junk je nekada bio mega sajt,josh od Roca,samo kada se setim,uvek je bilo nas koji smo se znali iz RL i nikada nije dolazilo tolko ljudi da spamuje i sere,kao sto je highl1 vec rekao,razlog je postao to sto je masa likova pocela da igra na bnet to jest nabavila org igrui,i sto su internet konekcije postale veoma rasprostranjene kod nas. Ne znam sta da kazem,ali ovaj Junk nije bio kao sto je bio pravi JUNK,i ovaj sada RUR nije ono sto je nekada RUR bio.Zato ga vishe i ne posecujem vec jedno 2,3 god.