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Everything posted by VoOdoO_MaN

  1. Ima raznih machaka :) moju bolje da sam zvao betmen jer nocu je aktivna a danju samo spava...
  2. www.getdota.com 6.33 Changelog: =============== * Added two new items * Reworked/Improved Bristleback, Avernus and Mercurial * Many code improvements * New map preview picture by Artgerm * Improved the game mode entering system. Modes are now entered on one line like "-apidsh" or "-dm -ar -sc". You do not need to worry about the order you enter the modes in, the game will handle it or warn you (and give you another chance) if the mode is incorrect/incompatible. * Renamed shortmode to -easymode(-em) * Added -samehero (-sh) mode * Reduced Lycan's wolves' model size a bit * Some -dmar hero respawn optimizations * Reworked Mekansm a bit. It now has a larger aoe and buff duration but the heal only occurs if you have no previous Mekansm buff on you (so you can't mass spam it on a team). * Furion's Teleportation now creates the same casting effect on the target location. * Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse total cost is the same, but 800 of the 900 recipe cost is now in Eul's Scepter of Divinity. * Last Word will only work if Silencer is not silenced * If blue isn't playing, the next available color will be allowed to enter the game mode. * Restored a more functional -du mode * Improved Viper's base damage a bit * Enchant's duration when converting creeps is now increased * Buffed Weaver's Watcher movespeed * Fixed some neutral creeps and beastmaster's summons that had collision size pathing issues. * Fixed a Timelapse casting delay * Many tooltip fixes from Henri Langenhoven's reports * Improved Witch Doctor's base damage * Reduced Primal Roar's manacost and cooldown * Improved timing on Macropyre * Reduced Lich's attack range from 600 to 500 * Updated TDA gaming rules * Improved the way Beast Rage works * -csboardon/off is now -cson/off * Voljin's movespeed from 295 to 305 * Buffed Enchantress' strength gain and movespeed * Stygian Desolator's recipe reduced from 1500 to 1400 * Fixed some icons to their proper passive versions * New Doppelwalk icon (from Blazzu/Spankler) * Fixed megakill bounty bonus error * Fixed animal courier buy hotkey conflict * Fixed an -ap -lm bug that caused the last picker to sometimes not be able to pick from the other tavern * Fixed a bug with -random and -mm at 59sec * Toss no longer damages wards * Butterfly damage from 20 to 25 * Fixed a rare Nightstalker -mm bug * Chicken autodrops the previous undroppable Black King Bar now * Fixed a bug with radiance and Spirit Bear * Fixed Presence of the Dark Lord and Witchcraft icons to the proper passive versions. * New Leviathan and Avernus hero description by Terrorblaze and TheMantis * Fixed Charge of Darkness to properly stop the charge effect when the target is purged * -ar/-tr now properly says "randomed" instead of "chosen" * Fixed a very old bug with Morphling and illusions * Fixed a minor issue with -ms after -recreate * Fixed minor casting bugs with Timewalk, Dual Breath and Wild Axes * Fixed various hero acquisition ranges * Fixed a bug in -mm with Terrorblade and alternate forms Nikada ova dota nece biti balansirana kao 5.84c :)
  3. Imam samo slike sa fona... Videcu da ih okachim ovih dana (samo da uzmem Blutut od devojke)... Morash da je nagradish svaki put kada uradi neshto shto joj kazhesh, i da je svaki put kaznish kada napravi neko sranje... Mislim da je to key :)
  4. Zerox evo ti ovaj trip za TS :) upravo kako je ghost rekao :) http://my.opera.com/voodoo_man/homes/files...-vs-BumRush.w3g
  5. Hvala na savetima :) To je mala machka stara 2 meseca, zove se Kleo. Naravno da je kucna machka. Nervira me shto je hiperaktivna... ne mogu da spavam uopshte od nje ... ali mnogo volim machke pa trpim :)
  6. Sinoc sam dobio malu Angorsku machku... Ima 2 meseca i josh je mala i ne zna sve stvari... Zanima me (ko ima iskustva) kako dresirate svoje ljubimce (tipa da kaki na svoj pesak, da zna gde da pishki, da zna gde joj je uvek zdelica sa hranom itd). P.S. Govorim o malim ljubimcima ne o matorim ...
  7. Nije TS drugi LT... Izbacish 4-5 garge i qrac ce Human da digne exp (ne mozhe tako lako da se iscreepuje onaj wizard ima purge i lighting shield) ... A shto kazhe ghost uvek mozhesh da poshaljesh acosa da kupish onog malog Murloc Huntera koji ima ensnare kada on poshalje wispa ...
  8. Goga Elf :) Ajde uslovi za igranje jesu bili loshi ali smo nekako i odigrali sve te partije ali oni likovi shto su me smorili (ajde sidjite dole pravite guzhvu, a nas 7-8 tu sa sve Highl1-jem...) mislim ko je bio zna o chemu govorim... gl Mile uz tebe smo matori!!!
  9. I da shto kazhe Highl1 kupite neke Snickerse/Marse/Twixe nemojte samo kao Vladica odete da jedete i nema vas pola dana. To Ghost: Bash cu da probam :) ali realno to je veoma teshko ...
  10. Dejan Minic (chitaj "MINIC" ) To Ghost: Veruj mi to mozhe da prodje u 1 od 10 partija... + dzabe ja igram war ako se molim da li cu da dobijem book of gg i greater healing... I onaj Terenas je njesra vs Elfa, qpi ona 4 creepa ne smesh da mrdnesh iz baze...
  11. Ne kontam zashto GW nije ESWC mapa, a ovaj Orc/Human Temple jeste?!?! Bedak... U svakom sluchaju vidimo se tamo!
  12. India > Serbia 10.000.000
  13. http://funcop.net/italianenglish.swf Mozhda je bilo ali ja sam umro od smeha :DDDDDDDDD
  14. Trobulemaker koja je to pesma? I mene zanima!!!
  15. VoOdoO_MaN


    imash na war3.replays.net zove se TFT & RoC cd-key changer sa desne strane
  16. Gadjo - So Many Times Roger Sanchez-Turn On The Music Deepest Blue - Deepest Blue
  17. Cuba Club - Cuba (Original Mix) sve te funky/vocal pesme sa laganom gitaricom me podsecaju na leto chak i ova Valentino Kanzyani - Flying (ili Fly)
  18. Meni je profi kombo Centaur + Omniknight :) Jednostavno ne mozhesh da pobegnesh... + ako uzmu obojica BoT = gg
  19. Me like Mistake Mistake :) Na novom DVD samo electro... a i u poslednje vreme samo electro se pushta i najvishe se pravi ... smor...
  20. upravo :) shteta shto toga nema.... A inache taj DJ Zmija je iz Smedereva? Mislim da ima chak i neku svoju emisiju...
  21. Bjarke, WinneR, LiiLD.C i SunShine su slobodni igraci, sa tim sto ne znam sta ce im Vankor atm....
  22. join clan HDx i teh.Ako hoces sa elitom, join clan set :)
  23. Imam Nokiu 1110 i vrshi posao :)
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