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Dobio malopre knjigu Raskršća od Vilijem Pol Janga, kazu da je knjiga fantasticna, will see =)
Ako je nesto izolovano od ostalog dela Sveta to je dosta udaljeno od istog zar ne? Sa svakim drugim hintom bi te doveo do odgovora, ne bih da bude tako lako :D
Pa kako bez znaka "L" ? :)
Stjuart Hamerof i ser Rodžer Penrouz došli do zaključka da se duša nalazi u mozgu, koji napušta nakon smrti čoveka i ostaje da živi u univerzumu FINIKS - Veliki korak za nauku. Priznati naučnici kvantne fizike uspeli su da daju odgovor na pitanje koje je mučilo sve religije i brojne filozofe: da li postoji ljudska duša? Američki doktor Stjuart Hamerof i britanski psihijatar ser Rodžer Penrouz naučno su dokazali da ona zaista postoji. Mozak kao računar Dva stručnjaka su autori nove kvantne teorije svesti, prema kojoj se naše duše nalaze u specifičnim strukturama nazvanim mikrotubule ili mikrocevčice, smeštene u ćelijama mozga, a odatle nakon smrti mogu da izađu i nastave da postoje u univerzumu. Doktor Hamerof sa univerziteta u Arizoni i Penrouz radili su na toj teoriji od 1996, kad su krenuli od ideje da je mozak biološki kompjuter, sastavljen od gotovo 100 milijardi neurona, odnosno nervnih ćelija, i specijalnih, takozvanih aksonalnih varnica i sinaptičkih veza, koje se ponašaju kao informacione računarske mreže. Oni su želeli da dokažu da je naše svesno iskustvo rezultat procesa koji se odvija u mikrocevčicama, što su nazvali orkestrirana objektivna redukcija (Orch-OR). Klinička smrt je ključ Stručnjaci su izučavali slučajeve ljudi koji su doživeli kliničku smrt. Njihove mikrocevčice iz ćelija mozga gubile su kvantne podatke, ali informacije u njima nisu bile uništene. Time su Hamerof i Penrouz potvrdili da duša ne umire, već odlazi negde u univerzum. - Ukoliko nakon kliničke smrti lekari uspeju da ožive pacijenta, sve kvantne informacije vraćaju se u mikrocevčice, a osoba koja je bila na samoj ivici života tvrdi da ima osećaj kao da je zamalo umrla. Tako je moguće da, kada osoba zaista umre, njegove kvantne informacije potpuno napuštaju telo u vidu duše i nastavljaju da postoje u vantelesnom obliku negde u univerzumu - objasnio je doktor Hamerof. Duša u oku Mnogi naučnici godinama su pokušavali da dođu do teorije kojom bi se moglo objasniti postojanje ljudske duše i otkriti gde se ona zaista nalazi. Tako su psiholozi sa Univerziteta Jejl tvrdili da je ona smeštena u ljudskom oku ili oko očiju. Oni su sproveli istraživanje u kojem su velikom broju volontera prikazivali fotografije likova iz crtanih filmova, a na svakoj slici nalazio se mali objekat na različitim pozicijama na telu (blizu glave, torza ili nogu), ali uvek na istoj razdaljini. Hipoteza naučnika bila je da će ljudi doživeti objekte bližim ako se nalaze kod duše. Većina je izdvojila fotografije na kojima je objekat bio kod očiju, pa su istraživači zaključili da se kod čula vida, a ne u mozgu, nalazi duša.
tri 'iljade provereno dok se ne izmeni zakon :)
Od danas sve četiri zimske gume ako ima snega i leda Tanjug | 01. 11. 2012. - 09:19h | Komentara: 11 Vozači u Srbiji od danas do 1. aprila moraju, po novom pravilniku, da imaju sve četiri zimske gume ukoliko je na putu sneg, led ili poledica. Kazna za gume koje ne odgovaraju vremenskim uslovima iznosi 3.000 dinara. Šara na gumama ne sme da bude plića od četiri milimetra, a u koliko su vremenske prilike u toku zimske sezone takve da nema snega i leda na kolovozu zimski pneumatici nisu obavezni. Pravilnikom je propisano da vozači ne moraju svoje četvorotočkaše opremiti lancima ako voze u naselju, ali u slučaju da se voze van naseljenog mesta moraju sa sobom poneti lance. ..A ja jos nisam kupio
Nije na Pacifickom Okeanu i nisu Kukova Ostrva
"Ja nisam palio kuran, ja sam se samo salio, prislonio sam upaljac kuranu ali isti nisam zapalio" -Doticni je nakon saslusanja kod istraznog sudije pusten da se brani sa slobode. Mislim da je lik hteo da odgovori na onaj natpis navijaca Novog Pazara..
Koja Zemlja je geografski najizolovanija na Svetu ?
Dawn Sees "Young" Surface on Giant Asteroid Like a Hollywood starlet constantly retouching her makeup, the giant asteroid Vesta is constantly stirring its outermost layer to present a young face. Data from NASA's Dawn mission show that a form of weathering that occurs on the moon and other airless bodies we've visited in the inner solar system does not alter Vesta's outermost layer in the same way. Carbon-rich asteroids have also been splattering dark material on Vesta's surface over a long span of the body's history. The results are described in two papers released today in the journal Nature. "Dawn's data allow us to decipher how Vesta records fundamental processes that have also affected Earth and other solar system bodies," said Carol Raymond, Dawn deputy principal investigator at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "No object in our solar system is an island. Throughout solar system history, materials have exchanged and interacted." Over time, soils on Earth's moon and asteroids such as Itokawa have undergone extensive weathering in the space environment. Scientists see this in the accumulation of tiny metallic particles containing iron, which dulls the fluffy outer layer. Dawn's visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) and framing camera detected no accumulation of such tiny particles on Vesta, and this particular protoplanet, or almost-planet, remains bright and pristine. Nevertheless, the bright rays of the youngest features on Vesta are seen to degrade rapidly and disappear into background soil. Scientists know frequent, small impacts continually mix the fluffy outer layer of broken debris. Vesta also has unusually steep topography relative to other large bodies in the inner solar system, which leads to landslides that further mix surface material. "Getting up close and familiar with Vesta has reset our thinking about the character of the uppermost soils of airless bodies," said Carle Pieters, one of the lead authors and a Dawn team member based at Brown University, Providence, R.I. "Vesta 'dirt' is very clean, well mixed and highly mobile." Early pictures of Vesta showed a variety of dramatic light and dark splotches on Vesta's surface. These light and dark materials were unexpected and now show the brightness range of Vesta is among the largest observed on rocky bodies in our solar system. Dawn scientists suspected early on that bright material is native to Vesta. One of their first hypotheses for the dark material suggested it might come from the shock of high-speed impacts melting and darkening the underlying rocks or from recent volcanic activity. An analysis of data from VIR and the framing camera has revealed, however, that the distribution of dark material is widespread and occurs both in small spots and in diffuse deposits, without correlation to any particular underlying geology. The likely source of the dark material is now shown to be the carbon-rich material in meteoroids, which are also believed to have deposited hydrated minerals from other asteroids on Vesta. To get the amount of darkening we now see on Vesta, scientists on the Dawn team estimate about 300 dark asteroids with diameters between 0.6 to 6 miles (1 and 10 kilometers) likely hit Vesta during the last 3.5 billion years. This would have been enough to wrap Vesta in a blanket of mixed material about 3 to 7 feet (1 to 2 meters) thick. "This perpetual contamination of Vesta with material native to elsewhere in the solar system is a dramatic example of an apparently common process that changes many solar system objects," said Tom McCord, the other lead author and a Dawn team member based at the Bear Fight Institute, Winthrop, Wash. "Earth likely got the ingredients for life - organics and water - this way." Launched in 2007, Dawn spent more than a year investigating Vesta. It departed in September 2012 and is currently on its way to the dwarf planet Ceres. JPL manages the Dawn mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital Sciences Corp. in Dulles, Va., designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international partners on the mission team. The California Institute of Technology in Pasadena manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Dawn, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/dawn and http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov . Jia-Rui Cook Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 818-354-0850 jccook@jpl.nasa.gov 2012-342 Izvinjavam se sto je na Engleskom, ne bih da prevodim jer bi bilo previse smesno.. Continuing Work With Scoops at 'Rocknest' The Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on the arm of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took this image of a rock called "Et-Then" during the mission's 82nd sol, or Martian day (Oct. 29, 2012.) Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS › Full image and caption › Latest images › Curiosity gallery › Curiosity videos NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity on Sol 82 (Oct. 29, 2012) used its Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) to photograph the diverse rocks in the "Rocknest" area and prepared for an overnight analysis of a soil sample by the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument. On the preceding sol, the rover completed its third round of using vibration of scooped Martian soil to scrub the interior surfaces of the sample-processing mechanisms on the rover's arm. Also on Sol 81, the rover's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument completed an analysis of a sample of Martian atmosphere. The rover continues regular monitoring of the surrounding environment using the other instruments of its science payload. Sol 82, in Mars local mean solar time at Gale Crater, ended at 1:35 p.m. Oct. 29, PDT (4:35 p.m., EDT). Guy Webster 818-354-6278 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. guy.webster@jpl.nasa.gov 2012-339
Digli uzbunu pa su samo nekoliko sati kasnije istu i povukli.. Kako sam procitao negde na netu, krenuo je cunami ali je bio previse slab..vazda ne znam, moracu da proverim tacnost informacije.. HI Tsunami Smaller Than Feared; Ports Reopened By OSKAR GARCIA Associated Press HONOLULU October 29, 2012 (AP) Officials in Hawaii reopened the state's ports on Sunday and canceled a tsunami advisory as fears receded that there would be damaging waves from a powerful earthquake off the coast of Canada. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center lifted its tsunami advisory just before 4 a.m. local time, three hours after downgrading from a warning and less than six hours after the waves first hit the islands. The Coast Guard said Honolulu Harbor and all other Hawaii harbors were reopened and operating normally by the afternoon. Center officials said wave heights had diminished, though swimmers and boaters should be careful of strong or unusual currents. The biggest waves — about 5 feet high — appeared to hit Maui. A popular triathlon set for the island was expected to go on as planned, with county lifeguards giving the OK for a 1 mile ocean swim. There were no immediate reports of damage, though one person died in a fatal crash near a road that was closed because of the threat near Oahu's north shore. Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie said the state was lucky to avoid more severe surges. "We're very, very grateful that we can go home tonight counting our blessings," Abercrombie said. Meanwhile, the National Weather Service canceled tsunami advisories for Canada, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California. AP Mike Nakamoto of Honolulu prepare's his... http://twitter.com/oskargarcia . ——— Associated Press writers Mark Thiessen and Rachel D'Oro in Anchorage, Alaska, Christina Hoag and Christopher Weber in Los Angeles and John S. Marshall in San Francisco contributed to this report.
Druze ne zelim da pisem ovde o tome i uopste ne zelim da pricam o tome zbog toga sto me podseca na brata previse i zbog toga izbegavam. Lakse mi je kad pricam uzivo sa nekim o tome ili o bilo cemu gde je moj pokojni brat bio ukljucen ..Tesko mi je da pisem o tome !! Jedan od doprinosa je bio rad pred Zvezda Barselona, radio sam Istocnu tribinu...bilo je jos..
Duga je to prica, ukratko, usao sam u grupu preko mog pokojnog brata koji je inace bio stalno uz Saviju i uz konkretno Sekulu iz grupe Kenjajs, brat me je upoznao sa Sekulom a Sekula me upoznao sa Vladimirom ostalo ne bih ovde..Moze kad/ako se ikada budemo videli da ispricam ali o tome ne pisem.
Nema od toga nista. Ja za 15 godina navijanja nikad nisam mlatio barjakom, usput sam i bio u organizaciji koreografije po preporuci jednog decka iz grupe Kenjajs, nije barjak za mene stari moj ;)
hahahahahahah, kadar nevera :D Partizan-Borac Cacak 1:2... KUP JE NAS ! :) Quick question: Da li neko od vas ide na derbi 17.11.2012 ?
Negde u Macvi, blizu Sapca...
Pa zato ti se i cini da nije toliko skupo
Kako ne, svi radnici zajedno sa opremom su bili u pripravnosti da odmah nakon najgoreg udara uragana krenu u proces remontovanja..
I sve su doveli u normalu u roku od samo par dana..
Ja zaplak'o .....
Ooodlicnoo, puno dobrih materijala za desktop background Evo ti jedan plus :)
kakav bilde..