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Everything posted by Astora

  1. Astora

    Teretana topik!

    1 obrok: 150g ovsenih pahulja+merica wheya sa vodom+3 belanca posle 3h 2.obrok: 150g cistog mesa (pileci file, junece cisto, tunjevina u vodi, oslic..., iskljucivo kuvano ili sa rostilja)+30g mesavina (sirovi badem, sirovi lesnik,orasi, kikiriki peceni bez soli ili u ljustci)+granny smith jabuka ili zuti grejp ili kivi (samo jedan kom od toga) posle 3h 3.obrok 150g cistog mesa+salata posle 3h 4.obrok 150g cistog mesa+salata posle 2h sejk sa proteinom+bcaa+kreatin posle pola sata trening, koji traje max 1h (nikako vise zbog pada testoterona) posle treninga merica wheya+bcaa+glutamin+kreatin+maltodextrin posle 1h 5.obrok 150g cistog mesa+salata+oko 50g kompleksnih UH (kuvani krompir, integralne testenine, integralni pirinac) posle 3h 6.obrok sir ella skoro cela casa+salata+omega 3 kapsule oko 4kom Eto ti moje ishrane :) Nema mrvice hleba u ovome ali sam uz ovaj i jos jedan program ishrane skinuo 28 kg za nepunih 6 meseci... Sad jos samo da dodjem do ispod 100 i bice lakse :)
  2. Astora

    Teretana topik!

    Mislis, izbusi jos malo kasiku, tai fai? :)
  3. Astora

    Teretana topik!

    A pa ja sam trenutno na rotaciji, jos nekih 15 dana i idem sa ovom rotacijom (200-150-0-125-75-0-50). Problem je sto mi je vaga zakucala na 101 i nece dole.. Vreme je da uz rotaciju uzmem cist sagorevac ili coffein..
  4. Astora

    Teretana topik!

    Shomi, voajeru stari :D Skratio sam vreme treninga sa sat i po na sat vremena. Manje odmaram izmedju serija i lepo ide za sada.. Imam mali problem sa spustanjem kilaze.. Dosao sam na 101 kg i tu kazaljka stala i nece ni da mrdne dole... Dvoumim se da li da uzmem opet Tw Ripped fuel extreme ili da uzmem za 980 dinara Coffein koji u sebi sadrzi sagorevac..
  5. Nije lose Laki ide 8/10 Vredi poslusati ovaj instrumental Blurry.
  6. Bogu hvala nemam :) Ma zena napala da idemo sa decom u Banju a meni mrsko da se guzvam tamo sa babama i dedama a i dao sam joj predlog da odemo negde na planinu, tipa Zlatibor 7 dana ali se ona necka, vise je da ode u Banju nego na planinu- bedak =/
  7. Uplatio sam 10 dana pun pansion u Igalu, hotel Igalo sa avionskim prevozom tamo i nazad i naglasili su mi da cu morati da platim taksu u Tivtu kad se budemo vracali. Znam da je pogresan izbor letovanja ali hoce zena opet tamo.. Nego, zena hoce da idemo u julu u neku banju pa me zanima da li ima neka banja a da je skroz opustencija tokom letnje sezone i gde nema mnogo baba i deda ?
  8. Kasno je bito sta sada govoriti Vitjo ali me cudi da to nisi odmah primetio cim si nakon zamene krenuo u voznju, na svu srecu pa si to primetio i da se nije nista desilo ali svakako treba da im se skrene paznja na ovo a opet sa druge strane, vidjao sam gomilu kola na klocnama bez ijednog tocka, moguce da su probali i tebe da opajaju.
  9. Pre manje od 24 sata si postavio ! http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=234927163&p=2041617
  10. Koliko je proslo od kako su ti uradili zamenu ?
  11. Prosto mi je neverovatno da se doslo do ankete gde se trazi misljenje da li Gospodin Stojadinovic treba da ostane Sportski Direktor naseg kluba. Moje misljenje je da je covek dosta toga dobrog uradio za nas klub u poslednjih 6 meseci i da je doveo uz minimalna finansijska sredstva nekoliko igraca i trenera a da se ne zaboravi koliko puta je za ovo vreme bio miniran i ako treba da se trazi krivac za igru onda se ta odgovornost stavlja na igrace naseg kluba koji su odigrali jednu od najgorih utakmica u istoriji naseg kluba gde se od 11 igraca istaklo svega 3-4 medju njima i Bajko jer, da nije bilo Bajkovica sigurno bi nam dali 2-3 gola koliko nam je igra bila ocajna u odbrani a o napadu da ne govorim..
  12. Asteroid 2013 KB otkriven 17-tog maja i jos uvek nije odredjena velicina pa i putanja istog..
  13. Matori, koja je to razlika izmedju prvog i drugog ?
  14. Astora

    SD Partizan 12/13

    Hvala na pitanju Coko super, kako tvoj ? :)
  15. Druga slika se u stvari odnosi na kladionice a ne na igrace. :) Oziljci ostaju. Sve je na nasim ledjima ali i u nasim rukama Ne vucemo svi isti teret. Za ovu zadnju sliku ne znam sta da kazem osim : Zalosno ali istinito =/
  16. Sto sam ja jadan trupsi ?! :) Ako ih to cini zadovoljnim, ja nemam nista protiv :D
  17. Asteroid 1998 QE2 to Sail Past Earth Nine Times Larger Than Cruise Ship May 15, 2013 On May 31, 2013, asteroid 1998 QE2 will sail serenely past Earth, getting no closer than about 3.6 million miles (5.8 million kilometers), or about 15 times the distance between Earth and the moon. And while QE2 is not of much interest to those astronomers and scientists on the lookout for hazardous asteroids, it is of interest to those who dabble in radar astronomy and have a 230-foot (70-meter) -- or larger -- radar telescope at their disposal. "Asteroid 1998 QE2 will be an outstanding radar imaging target at Goldstone and Arecibo and we expect to obtain a series of high-resolution images that could reveal a wealth of surface features," said radar astronomer Lance Benner, the principal investigator for the Goldstone radar observations from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "Whenever an asteroid approaches this closely, it provides an important scientific opportunity to study it in detail to understand its size, shape, rotation, surface features, and what they can tell us about its origin. We will also use new radar measurements of the asteroid's distance and velocity to improve our calculation of its orbit and compute its motion farther into the future than we could otherwise." The closest approach of the asteroid occurs on May 31 at 1:59 p.m. Pacific (4:59 p.m. Eastern / 20:59 UTC). This is the closest approach the asteroid will make to Earth for at least the next two centuries. Asteroid 1998 QE2 was discovered on Aug. 19, 1998, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) program near Socorro, New Mexico. The asteroid, which is believed to be about 1.7 miles (2.7 kilometers) or nine Queen Elizabeth 2 ship-lengths in size, is not named after that 12-decked, transatlantic-crossing flagship for the Cunard Line. Instead, the name is assigned by the NASA-supported Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Mass., which gives each newly discovered asteroid a provisional designation starting with the year of first detection, along with an alphanumeric code indicating the half-month it was discovered, and the sequence within that half-month. Radar images from the Goldstone antenna could resolve features on the asteroid as small as 12 feet (3.75 meters) across, even from 4 million miles away. "It is tremendously exciting to see detailed images of this asteroid for the first time," said Benner. "With radar we can transform an object from a point of light into a small world with its own unique set of characteristics. In a real sense, radar imaging of near-Earth asteroids is a fundamental form of exploring a whole class of solar system objects." Asteroids, which are always exposed to the sun, can be shaped like almost anything under it. Those previously imaged by radar and spacecraft have looked like dog bones, bowling pins, spheroids, diamonds, muffins, and potatoes. To find out what 1998 QE2 looks like, stay tuned. Between May 30 and June 9, radar astronomers using NASA's 230-foot-wide (70 meter) Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, Calif., and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, are planning an extensive campaign of observations. The two telescopes have complementary imaging capabilities that will enable astronomers to learn as much as possible about the asteroid during its brief visit near Earth. NASA places a high priority on tracking asteroids and protecting our home planet from them. In fact, the U.S. has the most robust and productive survey and detection program for discovering near-Earth objects. To date, U.S. assets have discovered over 98 percent of the known NEOs. In 2012, the NEO budget was increased from $6 million to $20 million. Literally dozens of people are involved with some aspect of near-Earth object (NEO) research across NASA and its centers. Moreover, there are many more people involved in researching and understanding the nature of asteroids and comets, including those that come close to the Earth, plus those who are trying to find and track them in the first place. In addition to the resources NASA puts into understanding asteroids, it also partners with other U.S. government agencies, university-based astronomers, and space science institutes across the country that are working to track and better understand these objects, often with grants, interagency transfers and other contracts from NASA. NASA's Near-Earth Object Program at NASA Headquarters, Washington, manages and funds the search, study, and monitoring of asteroids and comets whose orbits periodically bring them close to Earth. JPL manages the Near-Earth Object Program Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. In 2016, NASA will launch a robotic probe to one of the most potentially hazardous of the known NEOs. The OSIRIS-REx mission to asteroid (101955) Bennu will be a pathfinder for future spacecraft designed to perform reconnaissance on any newly-discovered threatening objects. Aside from monitoring potential threats, the study of asteroids and comets enables a valuable opportunity to learn more about the origins of our solar system, the source of water on Earth, and even the origin of organic molecules that lead to the development of life. NASA recently announced developing a first-ever mission to identify, capture and relocate an asteroid for human exploration. Using game-changing technologies advanced by the Administration, this mission would mark an unprecedented technological achievement that raises the bar of what humans can do in space. Capturing and redirecting an asteroid will integrate the best of NASA's science, technology and human exploration capabilities and draw on the innovation of America's brightest scientists and engineers. More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects is available at: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ , http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroidwatch and via Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/asteroidwatch . More information about asteroid radar research is at: http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/ More information about the Deep Space Network is at: http://deepspace.jpl.nasa.gov/dsn . DC Agle 818-393-9011 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. agle@jpl.nasa.gov 2013-163
  18. Sreo juce Acu sa boljom polovinom i javio im se.
  19. Nista necu da komentarisem po pitanju namestanja jer je ta prica i vise nego smesna a pogotovo kad druga strana prica o namestanju utakmica. Jako smesno mi je bilo sinocnje sudjenje Mazica ali to ne umanjuje cinjenicu da su nas skoro pa samleli u drugom poluvremenu =/ Da je Kasalica dao gol prica bi bila drugacija. U sebi se potajno nadam skoro pa nemogucem a to je da grobari izgube 2 vezane tekme a sa druge strane ja ne smem ni da pretpostavim kakvi bi komentari onda bili od strane grobara. Cestitke na dobijenom derbiju. Idemo dalje
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