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smekery (Maxa)

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About smekery (Maxa)

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  1. i zanima me isto , zasto se branko nasao uvredjen ???? zasto momci iz nisa ne bi igrali turnir ??? :D :D :D :D
  2. ja sam trazio da mi date ozbiljne odgovore :( ja mislim da covek ovo radi da bi oziveo cs scenu , mozda je i prevarant pa oce da nas zajebe za lovu, ako gresim molim vas da me ispravite i napisete sta mislite . Mislim prica je trula sto se tice toga da moras opet ti da placas , ali jbg nismo nemci pa da imamo sponzore i da dobijas kes za svaki mech :D :D :D :D
  3. auuu koliko kompleksasa na jednom mestu cccCCCcccCC -- jer moze neko od vas hejtera (nW i BGD) da mi objasni zasto nece da igra ovu ligu ???? trazim samo u najkracim crtama da mi objasni ... Hvala unapred !!!
  4. OSOBLJE !!!!!! NEKI REZULTATI I TO ???? :D :D :D
  5. According to a report at rakaka.se, SK Gaming could be lining up moves for iMT trio Vladimir "Bux" Miletic , Aleksandar "m4L1" Soskic and Jovan "pacer" Dujakovic The story comes in just hours after another report from Sweden indicated that fnatic are hot on the trail of free agent Marcus "Delpan" Larsson. rakaka.se claims that Vladimir "Bux" Miletic, Aleksandar "m4L1" Soskic and Jovan "pacer" Dujakovic wanted to bring in SK pair Robert "RobbaN" Dahlström and Jimmy "allen" Allen to fnatic, a possibility which was allegedly rejected by the management as Patrik "cArn" Sättermon and Harley "dsn" Örwall do not want to quit just yet. SK then reportedly opened their doors to this new team, a move which will pave the way for the departures of Dennis "walle" Wallenberg, Andreas "moddii" Fridh and Johan "face" Klasson. The only doubt about the new SK team appears to surround Ståhl, who left the team for fnatic this summer following a dispute with the German-based organisation over unpaid wages. The ESWC runners-up are believed to be uninterested in having Ståhl back in their ranks, and are weighing up offering Johan "face" Klasson a way back into the team. Reports in Sweden suggest that SK first tried to go for Richard "Xizt" Landström, who had already played for the team in the SEC qualifiers, but then set their sights on Klasson after the Lions player revealed he is already poised to join fnatic. Vladimir "Bux" Miletic appears to be ready to put an end to his time with KBP whom he joined in 2006 from INFINITY , having won almost every tournament in the SERBIA . Aleksandar "m4L1" Soskic switch to SK will represent his third stint with the team, following two experiences with them which certainly do not bring him fond memories . In 2007, he was loaned out to Meet Your Makers just one month after being accepted on the team on trial. These changes will leave SK Gaming with the following players: Robert "RobbaN" Dahlström Jimmy "allen" Allen Vladimir "Bux" Miletic Aleksandar "m4L1" Soskic Jovan "pacer" Dujakovic DA LI JE OVO ISTINA ILI SAMO OBICAN TRAC ???? SAZNACEMO SUTRA , KADA SE Vladimir "Bux" Miletic BUDE BUDE OBRATIO SIREM AUDITORIJUMU I hltv.org-a i svojim fanovima .
  6. brate znam ga od malena !!!! JA sam prvi video taj talenat i rekao sam mu da postoji nesto posebno u njegovoj igri >>>> ON ME JE SAMO POSLUSAO !!!
  7. Vladimir "Bux" Miletic is the fifth member in fnatic, following a transfer from his recent home itsmorphintime, to the new composition of fnatic. The Swedish team yesterday announced changes, when waving goodbye to Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund and Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg who went to join SK Gaming, as well as Rasmus "Gux" Ståhl who now roams as a free agent. Reports indicated Monday night that former MYM ace Marcus "Delpan" Larsson would join the ranks of fnatic, which Tuesday evening became a reality. fnatic also landed Richard "Xizt" Landström, who left Lions for a spot in fnatic. fnatic did however not reveal their final member, fingers and indications were led towards Niklas "niko" Johansson and Christoffer Sunde "Sunde" when the rumours first were led loose, but none of those turned out to be true. Instead it should be the Serbian born Vladimir "Bux" Miletic, who has parted ways with itsmorphintime, in order to join up with fnatic. Bux, who is yet another offspring from the Serbian talent factory imt,when they managed to beat BGDONLINE at Selo Crew Lan Tournament. "Today is a great day. Who would have thought this day would come when I started playing back in the days. To be able to play with idols such as cArn and dsn makes you think you are still dreaming. Also reuniting with my old teammate Delpan is something I'm really looking forward to and playing with one of the best Swedish talents today, Xizt. I could write a whole book about what I'm feeling right now, but to spare you fans out there of falling asleep reading this, I will be short: I would like to thank the players of FnaticMSI and also the sponsors MSI, Steelseries, Bigfoot networks, UGAME and SLAPPA for the oppurtunity,all my steamfriends and MASINA :). I will do everything in my power to keep fnatic on the steady rock they have been the last years and prove to the world that fnatic will dominate 2011" - Bux said in a statement on fnatic.com. The finalized fnatic line-up now looks as follows: Patrik "cArn" Sättermon Harley "dsn" Örwall Marcus "Delpan" Larsson Richard "Xizt" Landström Vladimir "Bux" Miletic When asked about future ingame leading , Patrik "cArn" Sättermon said " I've been leading fnatic ingame for 5 years , i guess it's my time to start being entry frager. Our latest addition Bux will be our ingame-leader , which will improve our game and our sad dust2 t side."
  8. molim samo da ako pm bude invajtovan , da ta druga ekipa ne bude 4gl - naj realnija opcija je MITH !!!
  9. jel unnamed vs DPS def win for unnamed ??? :D
  10. auuu bizo koliko si ti naporan . Ja sam ti lepo rekao da nas ne stavljas medju nosioce . Mi se jesmo iznenadili sto nas nisi stavio , ali se nismo naljutili jer smo to sami zasluzili na zadnja 2 turnira, ali ako cemo da pricamo o prosloj godini onda si nas morao da stavis medju prve 3 ekipe na svom spisku jer smo osvoili tur u pancevu , igrali finale DH i barem smo jos jedno 3-4 finala izgubili tako da te molim da se ne pravdas . Najbolje je da ovu temu zavrsimo i da se ne prepucavamo ovako preko RURA. Conf je samo jedno stvar lepo rekao u celom ovom nasem razgovoru , a to je da moras da dobijes sve da bi osvoio turnir . Peca neka ga duva sa ovim postom , a ti confe vrati bratq umesto nas ili stavi vf ako se prijavi .
  11. ako cemo tako onda da kazem i na koga je maxa aludirao . Maxa je aludirao na BRATQ i na DPS ( ljudi su igrali u ovoj godini samo turnir u novom sadu i nisu bili ni na jednom drugom ) Kao sto sam rekao necu da zbog ovog sto sam napisao bude ista promenjeno , a ti bizo sto si se nasa uvredjen to je tvoja stvar i ti si sam kriv , jer titras svojim drugarima i drugima. Za turnir se ne brinem i za to da li ces mi ti uzmes nesto u obzir uopste ne brinem, jer ja necu kasniti ,a i niko nikada nije bio disfalifikovan pa veruj mi necu nija. Sto se tice MITH-a to si ti izgovorio i ja se odma ogradjujem o tvoje reci zato sto su momci zasluzeno nosioci . GL HF
  12. nije problem sto mi nismo nosioci , ali je veliki problem sto ima klanova koji ne bi trebali da budu nosioci (necu imenovati ni jedan klan , jer ne bi bilo korektno sa moje strane . JEBEM VAS USTA - SLIHTARE JEDNE. Sto ne stavite jos neku bugarsku ekipu u nosioce smradovi jedni >>> Samo ne zelim da posle ovog neko stavi smk kao nosioce,da ne bude posle da je to sve zato sto sam vas ja napljuvao na forumu ili tako nesto>> . JEBEM VAS U USTA SVE - a najvise confa namestaca turnira . GL HF
  13. A sta boli gavru kurac , decko je i onako Hrvat ( zato i ide u zvezdinom dresu ) :D
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