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Everything posted by shoosh

  1. Ajde kad ste vec tako od pomoci svima, treba mi preporuka za dobar smestaj(prenociste) u Krusevcu. @Vlada_ Ulazim sinoc u neki random ducan u Vrscu i u frizideru vidim celu jednu policu punu Monstera, bukvalno sam bio u fazonu :DDDD
  2. novi klub u koji igraci dolaze dumru
  3. plus mu je izletelo I'm sorry to the blacks...babun
  4. shoosh

    EURO 2016

    Nisam znao da Brexit vazi i za fudbalere
  5. shoosh

    EURO 2016

    au...nagledacemo se fubala Poljska-Portugal
  6. shoosh

    EURO 2016

    prebedna utakmica do sada
  7. shoosh

    EURO 2016

    Ljubinko "DA KAZEM" Drulovic
  8. Na 99d forumu nasi ljudi kazu da su placali juce. Inace skrill NE RADI bas tako stabilno, vec nekoliko puta su imali ozbiljnih problema bar sa 99d. Meni su ako se dobro secam blokirali podizanje novca kada sam promenio sifru 2x u roku od nedelju dana i morao sam da ponovo verifikujem acc. Takodje ne mogu da verujem da su sve banke i prodavnice blokirale skrill, nismo mi Svajcarska :))))) Plus kako razlikuje skrill od ostalih Master Card-ova? (da li je to moguce?)
  9. Bravo za Elements One! Lud mec vs Team Bad English
  10. shoosh

    EURO 2016

    Ne gotivim bunkeraske ekipe, simpaticniji su mi madjari koji bar igraju otvoreno (a pri tome sve sto sutnu ulazi). Islandjani mi previse lice na grke kada su osvojili PE sa najgovnarsijom igrom ikada. Nisam siguran da li je ok da simpatisem madjare zbog austrougarske
  11. Slike su manje vise iz scena koje se pojavljuju u trejleru za desetu epizodu
  12. shoosh

    EURO 2016

    Nije da branim Kristinu, ali u komentarima su ljudi objasnili da je u pitanju portugalski Informer. the reason was this. this channel is the most hated channel in the country because of all the bullshit they make up every single day. pretty much every celebrity sued that channel in the past (Ronaldo multiple times and won). Ronaldo stated multiple times in the past that he won't talk to that channel anymore in his life. They got to have nerves to still insist. What were they expecting anyway? Also, this morning they opened the news by talking about Ronaldo's dead father and his problems with alcoholism. What a nice way to wake up in the morning, right? Everybody here in Portugal hates CMTV. They are pure garbage. Some of us said that if it was them, they would through the reporter in the water. Not just the microphone.
  13. shoosh


    Videh ovo danas, krajnje zanimljiv koncept. http://www.morphieslaw.com/
  14. shoosh

    EURO 2016

    Remove sudzuk
  15. ahahhahahaha...ovo moram da pokazem zeni, izneverovace :))))
  16. ili jos bolje...PRONADJITE STANKA NA SLICI :)))
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