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Posts posted by shoosh

  1. On 2/26/2017 at 9:47 AM, tortky said:


    Legion je bajka za malu decu i prosto na svakom koraku pokazuje zašto ne treba gledati "Marvel" serije uopšte. Gluma je roflkopterična, priča je sranje i cela atmosfera ne može da "nosi" seriju više od pola epizode nakon čega mi se skroz smučila. Overio sam sve 3 epizode koje su izašle do sada i stvarno ne vidim bilo kakav kvalitet da bi postojao bilo kakav razlog da se serija prati iz nedelje u nedelju; čak ni iz dosade.

    Taboo je oduvao. Slažem se da je "neverovatna" priča, da se BAŠ SVE POKLOPILO kako je zamišljeno i tako to, ali gluma i režija prosto jebu mater. Poslednja epizoda drži na ivici stolice apsoltuno svake sekunde. Gluma svakog lika je bila apsolutno savršena; Skot i Hardi su sabili sa režijom i jasno je da se cela "kinematografska" kvalitetna scena orijentiše na serije i to mi je jako drago.

    Htedoh da napisem kako me Taboo neverovatno podsecao na Peaky Blinders dok sam ga gledao, da bi kasnije video da je isti scenarista :))))

  2. nisam usao u igricu danas, ali vidim ovo

    HUD Updates

    In addition to the changes mentioned above, the following changes were added.

    • The Hotkey for an skill point will show up as Ctrl + <hotkey> when there is a skill point available.
    • Damage / Armor / Speed are now in the are where the Backpack used to before. These are combined values. If you want a breakdown - just press ALT.
    • Holding ALT now shows KDA / LH on Portrait and STR / AGI / INT above the HUD unlike what is mentioned in Update 2.
    • Support has been added for screens with 4x3 and 5x4 resolutions when using heroes with five or six abilities.
    • When you press ALT to toggle info, if you have multiple buffs that overlap, they'll fade out a little so the info is clear.
    • Predictions button being over the HUD has been fixed.

    valve uzeo recept od nase vlade...vise niko ne prica o matchmakingu :tf:

  3. 4 hours ago, Vlada_ said:

    ne kontriram svima, niti imam ista protiv vaseg stava da vam se ovo ne svidja, samo je naporna toksicnost i teatralnost ovde, a ne prodje dan bez nje sa mohrom. citajuci ove topike covek bi pomislio da se radi o kopanju u sibiru a ne o igri cija je svrha da te zabavi. vidim da igra ide u polulol smeru i boli me kurac jer mi sluzi da odigram partiju dve i odmorim mozak koliko mogu i to je sve. 

    a ti si dobio onakav odgovor jer jednom u tri meseca izmigoljis iz svoje rupe i obratis se nekome na onaj nacin i budes naduvan iste sekunde jer druge postove ni nemas, bukvalno si najnebitniji lik ikad a i prilicno bezobrazan

    poz debilcino


    Evo i objasnjenja zasto su menjali UI

    The only reason Valve updated the HUD UI (and the main menu UI) in the first place is because they have to get rid of ScaleForm.

    ScaleForm is the old (and still partially used) UI library that Dota 2 has been using since the very beginning, but there are many problems with it.

    One of the problems is the fact that Valve doesn't have access to the source code of it. There are countless ScaleForm issues that simply cannot be fixed by Valve. With the new Panorama framework developed by Valve themselves, they can fix any bugs they come across.

    ScaleForm has been probably the biggest source of crashes ever in dota 2. It's immensely buggy, and causes insane amounts of crashes for people. From reading Valve's Os X / Linux bugtracker there must've been hundreds of reported Scaleform crashes that Valve couldn't fix.

    ScaleForm was also the reason Vulkan wasn't really usable in Dota 2, because it has some Vulkan implementation bug that caused some issues with displaying ability cooldowns. And again, Valve couldn't fix it because it's closed-source.

    Scaleform is still used in CM and some other mode i think, so they haven't gotten completely rid of it yet unfortunately. But this is the right direction. Valve simply can't bring the old ScaleForm mess back, and redoing the old UI in Panorama is going to be a massive amount of work.

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