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About na1zer

  • Birthday 03/28/1988

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  1. prodigy exit09 http://rapidshare.com/files/258512923/The_...it_Festival.mp3
  2. Koji to ljudi znaju kako izgleda cheat i kako se proverava? Ovi pub admini? Ako EPS igrachi hakuju pored aequitasa, shto mislis da kod nas nema chitera, a josh se ne koristi nijedan antichit. Chak i da ne koriste wh i aim pod cheat spadaju i podesavanja clienta, modeli skripte i ostala sranja. Neko mi je dao link skrinshot nekoga sa ove EXDG lige, igra se d2 a mapa skroz bela, skinovi arctic isto modifikovani beli sa crvenim flekama itd, to je zabranjeno svuda.. Kode5 je prvi ozbiljan online turnir i treba da se odradi ozbiljno do kraja
  3. gtr u fnaticu hOhO. deficient u giantsima
  4. http://www.thecgs.com/ http://www.cadred.org/News/Article/44006/ AN IDEA WHOSE TIME CAME TOO EARLY Today BSkyB, STAR and DIRECTV ended their Championship Gaming Series® (CGS) joint venture. While the concept was ahead of its time and we are extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished, it became increasingly clear as this ambitious project evolved, that profitability was too far in the future for us to sustain operations in the interim. Our goal was to be ahead of the curve in the e-sports space, and conceived of CGS as a true sports league. We invested wholeheartedly in the venture and presented viewers with a top-notch production, but the economics just didn’t add up for us at this time. Our only regret is that we will lose a team of creative and talented individuals who invested their hearts and souls into Championship Gaming Series. We recognize their achievements and thank them for their hard work and passion. BSkyB, STAR and DIRECTV continue to be committed to the video games sector, which is an important part of many of our customers’ lives and a great source of entertainment. NO MORE CS SOURCE!
  5. nek neko sacuva ovaj topic za mlade generacije
  6. innerfire 16:3 freaks innerfire 16:1 enchanced
  7. teamwork 16:13 cube f23 16:14 (ili 15:15) catacomb
  8. a shta, da igraju d2 i train bilo bi drugacije? Mapa je protiv njih skroz nebitna. Pozitivna stvar je shto prvo igraju sa ovima bez nogu pa mogu da steknu neki momentum i podignu moral pred mtw i alternate.
  9. Neka bude shto biti ne mozhe ! Al realno, sve vishe od 5 rundi vs mtw i alternatea - great success!
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