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About Ajzak

  • Birthday 05/27/1984

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  • Lokacija:
    United States of Serbia & Montenegro

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  1. Aj zaebite ovaj hejt.Bice novih turnira pa cemo onda da vidimo ko je ko i o cemu se radi.Samo cu da zamolim da se pravila pre pocetka tur-a razjasne da ne bi kasnije dolazilo do zabune.
  2. Evo pravilo za backdooring pa onda vidite da li smo zasluzeno diskvalifikovani. Backdooring. Heroes that can teleport (Furion) and backdoor will be banned for exploit. This includes teleporting onto the KOTL ultimate(not just furion, anyone with BOT). All other heroes may backdoor. To further clarify, you CAN backdoor with furion / KOTL... what you cannot do is use any type of teleportation such as teleporting onto KOTL ulti with BOT or using furion's teleport spell (even with morph) to TP inside the enemies base. You can teleport near it, like in the forest below it, and then walk in, that is ok. You simply can't TP directly inside their base, or right next to a tower in their base etc... This is not in black in white as to the radius of how far you need to be to not get banned for TPing into their base, as usual, mods will have full discretion when deciding, don't be fucking stupid about it.
  3. Stygian desolator se dobija sa 2 mithril hammera,a buriza demon edge i crystalis,crystalis se dobija sa broadsword i blades of attack.
  4. Moji omiljeni heroji su Centaur i kostur sa reinkarnacijom.Svidja mi se i Lion zaebana je kombinacija dagon i finger of death!!!Moje misljenje je da su svi heroji dobri samo zavisi ko igra sa njima.I koji je macka heroj neka neko kaze?
  5. A niko da pomene zex koji je po mom misljenju igrao najmastovitije.
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