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Kad smo vec kod cyboor sex-a jel ima neko 2 od whores of warcraft-a Episode 1: Starring Monica Mayhem and Christian, this little feature pits the Rogue against the Warrior except he's in for a real shock! Episode 2: A priest farming for herbs, witnesses a brutal attack on a young warrior. Feeling empathic she comes to his aid but it is too late to help. Her goodwill ends up costing her more that she can afford. http://www.whoresofwarcraft.com/downloads.php malo wallpapera http://www.whoresofwarcraft.com/wallpaper/mi1.php <--- paladinka 100%
http://img20.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wo...06165251dd2.jpg evo mene kako pradiram po Hellfire Peninsula.... Nick mi je Sylencer jer mi je Stiven against policy :( ne znam koj im je fazon ali zalicu se sto sam morao nick da menjam !
Jel take butine od trcanja svako jutro ? :D
BoM http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2267600732526567405 BoW http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7852610277856566262 Righteous Fury + Seal of Justice http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5327981890925940420 Seal of Command http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4114741061962722672 Seal of the Crusader http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8059667775472614458 Seal of Light http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5278442199006483307 Seal of Righteousness http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3549859729135364111 Seal of Vengeance http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7153893752609686584 Seal of Wisdom http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4146171866425070910 Judgement animation http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2898329955474398933 evo vam animacije paladina za nove silove :P bas su sweet :P
Nadjite Radovana Karadjica i nasi problemi bice reseni ! :)
Mafija korpcija mislim sta reci vishe....
Sve je zbog Radovana Karadjica ! ili da ga isporucimo ili ima da lagujemo samo tako ! 1: ( 0.228ms pmtu 1500 1: soho ( 7.611ms 2: ( 7.430ms 3: ( 68.847ms 4: slavija2.madnet.co.yu ( 20.128ms 5: ( 18.545ms 6: c6509-oc768.beotel.net ( 72.291ms 7: ( 26.274ms 8: ( 51.441ms 9: ( asymm 10 57.326ms 10: ( asymm 11 53.833ms 11: ( 154.551ms 12: ae-22-54.car2.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 157.952ms 13: telia-level3-te.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 219.227ms 14: ffm-bb2-link.telia.net ( asymm 15 172.859ms 15: prs-bb2-pos7-0-0.telia.net ( asymm 18 1594.630ms 15: prs-bb2-pos7-0-0.telia.net ( asymm 18 1431.441ms 16: prs-b2-pos11-0.telia.net ( 1418.583ms 17: prs-tc-i2-link-telia.net ( 1112.863ms 13: telia-level3-te.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 219.227ms 14: ffm-bb2-link.telia.net ( asymm 15 172.859ms 15: prs-bb2-pos7-0-0.telia.net ( asymm 18 1594.630ms Evo lepo pise ovde ! A sto je najgore ne mogu da se zalim na forum.wow-europe.com forumu jer ne mogu da ga otvorim !!!! Xavius laguje Frostmane laguje Dragonmaw laguje Jel ima neko problema na ostalim serverima ?
WTB Client version ! :)
Heh evo i meni stiglo BETA test kljucic ;) Sad samo da se snadjem za client :/
In our continued efforts to combat cheating in World of Warcraft, more than 76,000 accounts were closed and 11 million gold was removed from the game economies in Europe, Korea, and the US in the month of September. The closed accounts were associated with activities that violate World of Warcraft's Terms of Use, such as using third-party programs that allow cheating, and farming gold and items. These types of activities can severely impact the economy of a realm and the overall game enjoyment for all players. We will continue to aggressively monitor all World of Warcraft realms in order to protect the service and its players from the harmful effects of cheating. Please note that selling World of Warcraft content, such as gold, items, and characters, can result in a permanent ban of the involved accounts from World of Warcraft. Many account closures come as the direct result of tips reported to our Game Masters in game or emailed to our Hacks Team by legitimate World of Warcraft players. If you suspect that a World of Warcraft player is using an illegal third-party program to farm gold or items, or is otherwise violating our Terms of Use, please report the suspected infraction to the Game Master team using the In-Game Help Request. All reports will be investigated, and those that prove false will not result in corrective action. As always, thank you for your continued support, and best of luck with your continued adventures in Azeroth!
http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...in/talents.html Some other fancy changes: Retribution * Divine Purpose - Now 3 ranks for 4/7/10%. * Sanctified Crusader - Moved to one column to the left of Repentance. Now 3 ranks for increase of 1/2/3%. * (NEW) Crusader Strike -
LOL :) Imm pa vidis sta mi blizz radi nerfuju me samo tako :(
U svakom slucaju ovo je extra reklama za mobilni telefon :)
He must have no life @ all :)
Brate :) godinu dana lecim sa paladinom smorio sam se do bola ;) lakse mi sad na jedan klik zavalaim se na fotelju klikcem i titram jajaca :D Mada sad sam poceo da se izivljavam radim dps u raidu lol :P mrzi me i da klikcem to jedno dugme ako cemo iskreno :) Kao sto sam reko kad je boss kill onda naravno fokusiran sam i lecim normalno prateci raid frame i naravno klikcem heal na onoga koga treba da lecim :P Ajde reci mi jel si radio nekad 1000x BWL pa soba od Lashleyera do Ebonroca znaci pusti me da umrem ko da igram diablo II 20ti put ;0 I btw necete moci ni enemy casting bar da koristite :P Pocinje napokon i imba pvp i pve u TBC :) bez addona kao nekad kad sam poceo da igram palu :P sve mi je bilo po blizz ui :D
Svi addicted playeri i ostala bagra sa RL i bez RL koji igraju ovu zaraznu igricu skoro godinu dana ne mogu da me ubede da ne koriste Decursive i neki addon za healing. Meni kome se smucilo da klikcem i lecim sve sam sveo na jedno dugme koje radi healing raid membera sa odgovorajucim rankom spell-a (zavisi kolko treba da se napuni), podesavanje healing proioriteta sta da leci etc. E sve to je moguce bilo namestiti na jedno dugme. Addon koji sam ja koristio zove se paladin assist koji je promenio ime u Panza i koji uglavnom koriste shamani paladini druidi i priestovi :P Addon je bio imba koristio sam ga kad sam bio smoren skroz da lecim na trash samo sam klikto jedno dugme :) i to je bilo to sve ostalo addon uradi. Naravno jedino sam lecio kod svakog bossa :P E Svemu ovome dolaiz kraj u The Burning Crusade! Nema vishe addon koji ce moci da ti omoguci da lecis na jedno dugme, a neces moci vishe ni da decursujes raid na jedno dugme. 2.0.0 Changes - Concise List Coroutines * The Lua 5.1.1 coroutine library is now available. * Each coroutine creates a new Lua state, so they should be used sparingly to reduce memory usage. Ko nezna sta je Lua :) http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1 izvolte ;P Protected Functions * Movement: never allowed * Spell casting: allowed outside of combat if interactive, and in combat using secure templates * Targeting: allowed using secure templates * Modifying macros, key bindings, and action bar: allowed programmatically outside of combat * Trading and reloading the UI: allowed if interactive * Action buttons and targeting frames are "protected", and may not be programmatically moved, shown or hidden, or have their action changed while in combat. * There are several new frame member functions: Frame:IsProtected(), Frame:SetProtected(), and Frame:CanChangeProtectedState() ----------------------------------------- The following slash commands have been added for WoW 2.0: /targetlasttarget /use <itemname> /equip <itemname> /equipslot <slot> <itemname> /petattack /petfollow /petstay /petpassive /petdefensive /petaggressive -------------------------------------------------- Jedna od imba stvari /focus Unit Focus /focus unit (unit defaults to target) The specified unit becomes the "focus" unit, and can be used anywhere a unit token can normally be used. When the focus changes, the "PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED" event is sent, and you begin to get normal unit events for the focus unit. There are keybindings for setting your focus to your current target, and setting your current target to your focus. There is also a "focus" action in the secure action button template. Ko nije skonto :) Evo mu malo bolje pojasnjenje Yep, it's basically a way to keep track of a unique target without actually having it in your raid or currently targeted. You could make the target you just sheeped your focus, for example, and go back to it and re-sheep it later. Or you could make the main tank your focus, go heal a bunch of people, and then instantly go back to it. It gets even better. You can query information about your focus, just like any other unit, and you even get events when the status of your focus changes. IMBA ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sve je to lepo ali da se vratim na temu: * Addons and macro scripts may not use any movement, spell casting, or targeting functions. Sto znaci good bye ctraid, decursive, emergency monitor, etc Q u o t e: Protected Functions * Addons and macro scripts may only change macros, key bindings, and action buttons while you are not in combat. * Action buttons and targeting frames are "protected", and may not be programmatically moved, shown or hidden, or have their action changed while in combat. Smrt u najavi samo tako. Nema vishe slackinga ! :( Sad ce da se u TBC vidi ko najbolje igra svoju klasu....
/cast Divine Intervent on Immortalis E tako :P
StormScion dok nam je shadowpriest-eva u igri nema balansa :) Zato bolje da cutimo :D
A chines kid die when he spend 36 hours playing wow ;) LOOOOL :) Ja sam 36 sati farmovo Hide of the wild mats i jos sam ziv :P Jedini komentar za video zapis.
Ok, I have never posted on the forums before but if there was ever a time to post , now is it. It all started when I introduced my girlfriend to WoW. I got her in my high end raiding guild thinking she would hit level 40 and then quit. She actually became quite involved, and I helped her with quests and such. She made a priest, which matched with my 60 mage in Tier2+AQ gear quite well. Anyway, fast forward to her hitting level 60. After some convincing I get her into regular BWL raids in $!@%ty blue and green gear. She is auto'd a lot of gear because all of our priests have pretty much everything they want out of BWL, and she is very happy about this. It was kinda nice, coming home after work, and sitting in the same room with her, being able to share my hobby. I thought it strengthened our relationship significantly. We talked a lot more, spent more time together, and generally got along better. I should have known that when WoW became the topic of conversations 90% of the time that it might be getting too unhealthy. After she was geared up a bit, she got used to being on ventrillo and chatting with the guild members. Now, I'm not the passive aggressive type so I made sure all of those little nerds knew that she was my woman, and that we lived together. She had a few puppy dogs follow her around, but nothing too serious. However, I began to notice that her and my guild master had been talking quite a bit in tells. Every time I came in the room she would switch to her combat log so I couldn't see what she was talking about in tells. I thought nothing of it, I used to have a nervous tick like that when I lived with my parents. Well, one day I came home and she was in the bathroom. I looked on her screen and saw some very... sexual and detailed conversation with my guild master. My heart starts pounding. I storm to the bathroom door while she's taking a $!@% and start pounding on it, I screamed "ARE YOU !&$%ING MY GUILD MASTER" "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY !&$%ING DOING THIS TO ME?" Silence. She knew what happened. She knew she should have logged off when she went to take a $!@%. I guess it was fate's way of clueing me in on what the !&$% was going on. She came out after about 20 minutes and told me that she had fallen in love with my guild master, let's call him "Tom". Tom lives about 4 hours from us and we had never met, but she later confessed that one of the weekends she spent with her "parents" was actually at Tom's house. She said they had sex, a lot. I started crying uncontrollably. What was I going to do? We are in a lease contract for another 7 months, how the !&$% can I handle this? I went right to bed and locked the door, she slept on the couch that night. Days went by and we didn't talk much, and she slept on the couch. I stopped playing WoW all together. I thought I could live out the lease until I heard that she is having Tom over. I !&$%ing flipped. She claimed that she had a right to have people over, just like I did. I had to concede and let her invite this !&$%tard over. When he got there I just kind of glared at him to let him know I was pissed and not having any of his $!@%. He doesn't say anything to me and then they go in the computer room and shut the door. I got to my bed and start to cry. Then it starts. I hear them !&$%ing. I start going insane with jealousy, rage, and sadness all at once. I don't know what to do. I went to the kitchen and got two Unisom, took them, and passed out shortly after. That was last night. This morning, I logged on to WoW and deleted my mage in a crying fit. I then kicked my computer so hard that the heatsink fell off of the CPU and smashed into my video card, breaking it. I guess I'm at a loss. I really don't know what to do. I've thought about killing myself, but I don't think it would be fair to me, or my friends and family... what little I have... Copy past link: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...eNo=1&sid=1
U Smederevu sam i dalje lol :P Zajeb, Migrated on Xavius :P skcu te dodam na MSN :P
Immortalis.... imm dez ti nestao :)
Copy past windows instaliranu verziju i to radi :) Jos mozes posle i da je patchujes na linuxu.
Cedega radi savrseno :) samo proguglaj da skines odnekud :P Uglavnom cedegu skidam preko torrenta.
<---- Ubuntu 6.06 LTS korisnik <---- TransGaming Cedega Version 5.2.3 Uspesno radi World of Warcraft bez ikakvih problema.