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Posts posted by suba

  1. League of Legends v1.0.0.130

    Volibear, the Thunder’s Roar

    Rolling Thunder: Volibear drops to all fours and runs faster if chasing an enemy champion. The first enemy he attacks is knocked into the air and flung behind Volibear.

    Frenzy: Volibear's repeated attacks grant him additional attack speed. Once Volibear has repeatedly attacked three times, he can perform a vicious bite on his target.

    Majestic Roar: Volibear lets out a powerful roar that damages and slows enemies. Minions and monsters are feared as well.

    Thunder Claws: Volibear channels the power of the storm causing his attacks to blast his targets with lightning that bounces to other nearby enemies.

    Chosen of the Storm (passive): Volibear heals rapidly for a few seconds when his health drops to a critical level.

    New Skins in the Store

    Thunder Lord Volibear

    Northern Storm Volibear

    Silverfang Akali

    Imperial Lux


    Urchin Strike's targeting updating to hit targets slightly earlier

    Urchin Strike's attack component can no longer be dodged

    Jarvan IV

    Martial Cadence (Passive)

    Damage changed to physical from magic

    Damage changed to 6/8/10% (at levels 1/7/13) of the target's current health from 8%

    No longer procs spell effects such as Rylai's or Spell Vamp

    Increased the hitbox size of Demacian Standard when targeted by Dragon Strike


    Wall of Pain

    Wall duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7

    Now only affects a target once (instead of reapplying every pass through)

    Fixed a bug where Leona's passive and the Dominion center Sigil could cause an immediate double kill against Karthus


    Fixed a bug which caused Force Pulse to cast backwards after performing Rift Walk


    Shunpo now always moves Katarina behind the target regardless if Killer Instincts is active


    Fixed a bug where where if you killed an enemy that exploded using Icathian Surprise, the enemy was awarded an extra kill (Shaco Hallucinate clone, Maokai)

    Fixed a bug where Brand's Pyroclasm would give Brand an extra kill if it was traveling toward Kog'maw when Icathian Surprise triggered

    Fixed a bug where if Ignite killed Kog'maw, it would cause Icathian Surprise to not trigger

    Fixed a bug where Vayne's Silvered Bolts sometimes caused Icathian Surprise to not trigger


    Blade of the Exile tooltip updated to display how much attack damage you will gain. It has also been clarified to state that Blade of the Exile scales off TOTAL attack damage, not bonus attack damage.

    Sivir (Remake)


    Attack range increased to 500 from 425

    Attack missile speed increased to 1400 from 1200

    Updated her attack frames to be more responsive

    Base attack speed reduced to .658 from .679

    Base attack damage reduced to 49 from 52.11

    Updated recommended items

    Fleet of Foot (Passive) – Remake

    Sivir’s basic attacks against enemy champions grant her 50 Movement Speed for 2 seconds

    Boomerang Blade

    Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120

    Damage changed to physical from magic

    Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 1.1 from 1.0

    No longer has an ability power ratio

    Ricochet - Remake

    Sivir’s next basic attack bounces to 5 additional targets dealing 20/35/50/65/80 (+ 1.0 Attack Damage) physical damage to the first target and 25% reduced damage to each subsequent target. 7/6/5/4/3 second cooldown. 40 Mana cost.

    On The Hunt

    Now additionally applies the buff to allies who come into range while On the Hunt is active rather than only on activation.

    Attack speed bonus changed to 30/45/60% from 30/60/90%

    Allied attack speed gain increased to half of Sivir’s bonus from a third

    Cooldown adjusted to 100/90/80 seconds from 90


    Shatter ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4

    Radiance ability power ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.6


    Fixed a couple small bugs introduced to Condemn with Fizz patch


    Fixed a bug where Ignite's tick damage dealing the killing blow caused Omen of Death to fail to reanimate its bearer

    Fixed a bug where Leona's Sunlight passive and the Dominion center Sigil could cause an immediate double kill against the Omen of Death target

    Fixed a bug where if Ignite killed the Omen of Death bearer, they would not be reanimated

    Fixed a bug where Vayne's Silvered Bolts sometimes caused Omen of Death to fail to reanimate its bearer


    Health Potions now restore 150 health over 15 seconds (instead of 200 health over 20 seconds)

    Madred's Razor

    Proc chance increased to 20% from 15%

    Proc damage reduced to 300 from 500

    Mana Potions now restore 100 mana over 15 seconds (from 100 over 20)

    Wriggle's Lantern proc damage reduced to 425 from 500


    Chat window location will be now saved between games

    Improved the targeting algorithms; it should now be much easier to select units that are obscured

    Damage from lane minions to champions reduced by about 15%

    Jungle Adjustments

    Small camps now respawn faster, but have reduced rewards

    Small camps now have a Healing Sigil, healing the killer based upon how much health they are missing

    Neutral monsters now have their health, damage, experience reward, and gold reward increase with game length, instead of having health increases with each respawn

    Neutral monster experience range reduced to 400 from 800 (the killer always gets experience)

    Ancient Golem camp experience increased slightly and gold reduced slightly

    Crest of the Ancient Golem now grants 25 flat MP5, but grants 1% regen from maximum mana, from 1.5%, and provides energy

    Lizard Elder camp experience increased and gold reduced slightly

    Blessing of the Lizard Elder melee slow % reduced to 8/16/24% from 10/20/30%

    Dragon and Baron Nashor are now immune to armor and magic resist-shredding effects

    Baron Nashor will now push wards away if you try to place one too close

    Monsters now heal 5% immediately when they retreat (instead of after 1 second), but are easier to re-aggro

  2. Steta sto ho2 nikad nije napravljen.

    Hahaha, sto jadno ?

    Meni je brutalno. :D

    Jbte mi smo RAM donosili i graficku kod zexa kako bi rendering bio brzi ... To je koliko se secam trajalo vecno, cak nekoliko dana je renderovao video [:D]

    Imam jos na kompu i film i trailer za drugi deo, pa ako treba da se uploaduje, nije problem.

  3. Pa 16 mbit :)

    Opet u praksi je to malo drugacije. Ako imas losu infrastrukturu i losije (citaj, stare parice i kablove u zidu) mozes zaboraviti na tih 16mb. Dosta ljudi koji imaju tih 16mb nema ni citavih 8/10mb a o uploadu koji je ovde najvazniji za cs da ne pricamo. .Stara tehnologija je bila sa papirnom izolacijom između parica pa se tu javljala vlaga. Nažalost veliki deo korisnika ima staru infraskrukturu čak i u Beogradu a da ne pominjemo ostale gradove Srbije ... Evo kod mene je slučaj da ne mogu imati veću brzinu od 5mb/768 zbog stare infrastrukture :/

  4. Najveća do sada otkrivena zvezda u kosmosu je, možda, „tempirana bomba antimaterije"! Reč je, zapravo, o masivnijoj od svih do sada otkrivenih zvezda u nekoj od susednih galaksija.

    Sa masom 250 puta većom od mase našeg Sunca, mogla bi jednog dana nestati u „egzotičnoj eksploziji" koja bi predstavljala početak stvaranja - antimaterije.

    „Krštena" kao R136a1, zvezda se nalazi blizu centra RMC 137a, „prenaseljenog" sazvežđa usijanih „mladih zvezda", udaljenih oko 165.000 svetlosnih godina od Zemlje, u Velikom magelanovom oblaku, jednom od najbližih galaktičkih suseda Mlečnog puta. Ekipa astronoma, koju je predvodio profesor Pol Krauter sa britanskog Univerziteta Šefild, koristila je vrlo veliki teleskop Evropske južne opservatorije (ESOVLT) smeštenog na planini Paranal u Čileu da bi istražila zvezde u sazvežđu, koje je tako čvrtso „spakovano" da se doskora mislilo da je reč o jednoj jedinoj ultra masivnoj zvezdi.

    Naučnici su procenili da R136a1, najblještavija zvezda koju su ikada do sada istraživali, ima oko 250 puta veću masu od našeg Sunca, što je čini najvećom zvezdom ikada izmerenom. U najranijem „detinjstvu", pre oko milion godina, zvezda je najverovatnije bila mnogo veća - imala je masu oko 320 puta veću od našeg Sunca; otada je izgubila mnogo materije u vrelim, silovitim olujama - piše časopis Nju sajentist.

    Niko sa sigurnošću ne može da tvrdi koliko je, zapravo, masivna ova zvezda ali do sada najveća otkrivena zvezda bila je 150 puta veća od Sunca. Takve zvezde se moraju „rađati" u velikim sazvežđima i sasvim kratko zablješte pre nego što eksplodiraju pa se mora pretpostaviti da su zaista retke. Merenje mase R136a1 nije bilo ni brzo ni lako.

    Najbolji način merenja mase jedne zvezde dobija se posmatranjem zvezda koje orbitiraju jedna oko druge. Ali Krauter i saradnici posumnjali su da je R136a1 usamljena zvezda tako da su morali da se oslone na modele koji upoređuju blještavilo zvezda sa njihovom masom, uzimajući u obzir i to kako se zvezde, najverovatnije, ponašaju protokom vremena.

    A to znači da mi ne možemo biti sigurni koliko je stvarno masivna R136a1 ili koliku je masu imala kad se „rodila". „Mislim da su astronomi dobili vrlo verovatan odgovor. Otkriće je zaista značajno" - izjavio je astrofizičar Filip Mejsi iz Opservatorije Louel u Flagstafu, u Arizoni. On je, takođe, podsetio: „Mnogi astronomi su i do sada sumnjali da veličina neke zvezde koja je 150 veća od našeg Sunca nije krajnja granica za masu veličine jedne zvezde.

    Uveren sam da će sada veliki broj njih biti radostan i tvrditi - 'Pa zar vam nismo govorili"? „Ako u svemiru postoji više supermasivnih zvezda nego što očekujemo, moramo revidirati procene koliko brzo galaksije stvaraju zvezde.

    To je zato što svetlost koju dobijamo iz galaksija mogu proizvoditi manje i blistavije zvezde nego što pretpostavljamo da je moguće" - ukazao je astronom Mark Krumholc sa Univerziteta Kalifornije u Santa Kruzu. Sada već zastrašujuća R136a1 i nekoliko masivnih zvezda koje su identifikovali članovi Krauterovog tima takođe traže da budu posmatrane jer su ozbiljni kandidati za „egzotičnu zvezdanu smrt" koju bi izazvalo stvaranje elektrona i njihovih pandana - antimaterije.

    Očekuje se da ove eksplozije, nazvane „nestabilne supernove", na neki način „rastrgnu" zvezde - što bi moglo da objasni nedavno blještavilo supernove. Dalje traganje za novim masivnim zvezdama najverovatnije iziskuje nove teleskope koji mogu „videti" zvezde u mnogo udaljenijim sazvežđima. Međutim, ovakva otkrića, po svoj prilici, nisu tako daleko.

    Nova generacija teleskopa je već stvarnost, kao što je Kosmički teleskop „Džejms Veb" agencije NASA koji će biti lansiran 2014. godine i planirani Evropski izuzetno veliki teleskop, 42-metarski teleskop koji će astronomi moći da koriste od 2018. godine.

    Nadjoh ovaj tekst na b92 juce, stvarno neverovatno deluje, 250x veca masa od Sunca, impresivno!

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