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- Birthday 01/20/1989
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sandra afrika
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Fallout 2, fm...
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haha, ja isto imam fallout tetku izmedju nje i jos par tu, sad me mrzi sve i da kacim, sve su u principu slican fazon, a kapiram i da su slike velike, a ja spoiler ne znam da stavim, tako da evo samo ove tri e da, devojka koja mi je radila, u stvari sam ovo i okacio zbog nje https://www.facebook.com/konton.enmao?fref=ts radi kuci, jeftina jako i stvarno ne mogu da se zalim na kvalitet niti bilo sta, bez greske je stvarno sve nacrtala, ja sam prezadovoljan
da, al je totalno isti.
jel moguce da onaj najobicni kabl sto ide iz sonija u tv, nece da radi ako je skinut sa dvojke, a prikljucen na trojku? :S
ja moram da pitam, ne mogu da citam 25 strana stvarno, video sam samo prvi post i zadnju stranu, al vidim da je prvi post 2005e. ja sada citam trecu knjigu, a video sam da kod nas u knjizari nema 4 deo. jel to zato sto nije preveden ili tako nesto ili to samo kod nas u knjizari nema?
znaci ako krekujem ps3, vise necu moci nijednu igru da igram u multiju na netu, iako ga vec imam original? i koliko je krekovanje? :D
u jebote, ja reko to preko 100e. hvala brate ;)
da li neko zna gde u beogradu ima da se kupi tarantula? i kolika je cena?
menadzer, jasno :)
kada hocu da udjem na servere, ovo mi izbaci Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket(server was unable to contact the authentication server). i to traje vec nedelju dana :S neko objashnjenje zashto se to deshava i kako da ga reshim? :)
ja se izvinjavam, sad sam video topic u sticky
bolje da ste opizdili beton i komshijama napravili parking :D
jebem li ga, vredi proveriti ;p
Dobio sam sledeci mail 2008 AWARD WINNER From: U.K ONLINE PROMO (esmanuge@ns.sympatico.ca) Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe Sent: Tue 7/15/08 4:06 PM Reply-to: david.rogger1@btinternet.com To: winner@uklottery.org Your E-Address was selected online in this week's AWARD PROMO.Your draw has a total value of £1,000,000.00 Pleaseacknowledge the receipt of this mail with the details below to:Mr.David Rogger(david.rogger1@btinternet.com)for your claims. Claims Requirements: 1.Full name: 2.Home Address: 3.Age: 4.Sex: 5.Occupation: 7.Phone Number: 8.Nationality 9.Country Of Residence. Chisto radi jebiga, sam odgovorio i dobio sam odma sledeci odgovor You Are To Contact Scarlet Courier Services For Immediate Delivery. From: DAVID ROGGER (david.rogger1@btinternet.com) Sent: Tue 7/15/08 6:08 PM To: Dusan Divac (dikilepi@hotmail.com) National Lottery Award trophy UK NATIONAL LOTTERY PO Box 1010 Liverpool L70 1NL United Kingdom WINNING PARAMETERS Ref :XYL /26510460037/05 Batch:24/00319/IPD Winner`s Full Names: {Dusan Divac} Raffle Draw Winning Email:{dikilepi@hotmail.com} Congratulations Lucky Winner, On Behalf of the Screening Committee of United Kingdom National Lottery, I wish to formally inform you that you have successfully passed the Email Screening and Verification Matching Test conducted for all online winners in your winning in accordance with the United Kingdom National Lottery Terms and Conditions. Hence you are therefore cleared for payment by the verifications and fund release department at the United Kingdom National Lottery Headquarters and your winnings has been duly signed and approved for release to you by the legal attorney to the United Kingdom National Lottery. As you already know, all winners for the online version of the United Kingdom National Lottery Online promotions were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from an exclusive list of 21,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies listed online as part of our international promotion to promote international co-operation between the United Kingdom and other countries worldwide and I must say that you should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of our winners in this week's lucky dip sweepstakes and we do sincerely hope you will put part of your winnings into good use for community, educational and business development and also to render selfless services to the less privileged in your community. The process for claiming your winnings has been made very simple so that by the end of one week at most, you are assured of having received your cash prize of the sum of £1,000,000.00 Pounds Sterling and all the legal documents backing your winnings. In the light of the above mentioned, you are to contact the the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning to you with the contact informations below: SCARLET COURIER SERVICE L.T.D 96 Manchester Rd Triton way, Walkden Manchester,M28 3FU United Kingdom. Contact Person: Mr. Pedro Santarino Email: scarlet.courier@live.com Phone: +44 7031 924 382 +44 7031 955 234 Note that you are to provide the Lottery Winners Agency that will be handling the delivery of your winning with the required details below to officially identify you: 1) Full Names: 2) Present Full Address: 3) Telephone Number: 4) Amount Deposited:1,000,000.00 Pounds Sterling. 5) Depositing code: ELPC/MWT/0143 6) Reg Number: UK/9876125 7)Age: 8)Occupation: Note that there exists a periodic condition on all claims process; therefore you have limited time to claim your winnings. Failure to claim your winnings within the stipulated time frame will lead to the forfeiture of your winnings after which your winnings remitted back to the United Kingdom National Lottery Headquarters and will then be added to next winning draws. Also kindly be aware that the United Kingdom National Lottery winning prizes are regulated by the Financial Services Authority and as a result, you are advice to follow the Lottery Claims Terms and Conditions to ensure the remittance of your prize to you within the stipulated time of the claiming of winnings. Further to this, due to some recent miss-up of some winning numbers, as a Prize winner and according to the United Kingdom National Lottery Terms and Conditions, you are only privy to your winnings informations and your winnings transfer information in order to avoid any form of double claiming and misappropriation of your winnings, hence the release of your winning informations to a third party(friends and family members inclusive) is absolutely ruled out as this will lead give room to double claiming by a third party which is against the United Kingdom National Lottery Terms and Conditions. You are hereby advice to keep your winning information personal from any third parties (friends and family members inclusive) until your winnings have been remitted to you. Lastly, I will require a concise update on your proceedings with the Agency that will be handling the delivery of your winning. If you need any assistance whatsoever from this office, please do not hesitate to inform me. Yours Sincerely, Mr.David Roger Accredited Fiduciary Agent +44 7031 968 580 Confidentiality Notice: Please note that this email and any files that may be attached to it is/are confidential and is/are intended for the sole use of the individual(s) or entity (is) to which it/they is/are addressed. Any use,distribution,copying or disclosure by any other person or entity is strictly prohibited under applicable law(s).Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to official business of NATIONAL LOTTERY and insurance shall be understood to be neither given nor endorsed by NATIONAL LOTTERY finance and insurance when addressed to concern finance and insurance clients; and any information contained in this email is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing client's contract(s). United Kingdom National Lottery COPYRIGHT © 1994-2010 ALL RIGHT RESERVED And the winners of the National Lottery Awards are ... Spam ili sam milioner? Shta kurac? vechiti optimista ;)
zapravo, pravilo je da ako je igrach van linija terena, rachuna se isto kao da nije u igri. tako da jeste bio ofsajd. znalci ;p