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The X
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Everything posted by _Gotti_

  1. samsung 17' monitor syncmaster oce kupi neko ... :D
  2. Michael Lewis's book "The Blind Side" tells the true story of Michael Oher. A movie by the same name - starring Sandra Bullock - was released in November 2009.
  3. ma sta kazes :D ponovom bacam tudje pare na igraonicu
  4. step up 3d po zelji moje drage supruge... jedino sto mogu da kazem je to da igraju dobro
  5. sad sam gledao film na hrt-u1 riba sa svojom djanom jede likovima kare !!!!!
  6. navukao se na wow a nemam komp kuci nego placam vreme u igraonici
  7. dan je jeziv i jucerasnji dan je bio jeziv...mada me je spasio michael peterson
  8. Osecam se kao arhitekta piramida ... Dobro jutro.
  9. aaaaa sta se desavaaaa Reported Attack Site! This web site at www.klanrur.rs has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences. Attack sites try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system. Some attack sites intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners.
  10. jel zna neko gde mogu da nadjem neku svotu novca
  11. odvedi me u rajski grad

  12. ako hoces mogu ja da ti narucim
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